17: Surfs and Pranks

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We all relaxed in the car ride. Nobody was tense anymore. We were all happily soaking in the sun while we were setting up our things. The boys had already set everything up and are currently showing off their toned bodies, their toned abs. Girls from a distance were staring at them with their jaws hitting the ground.

Everybody knew how to surf. They admitted that they weren't the best but they knew how to surf. Everyone, however, was praising Brandon, saying that he had been in surfing finals. Must he be so good at everything? Cass and Steph were taking their shirts and shorts off, revealing their tanned skin. They decided that the both of them weren't going surfing, they were just going to sunbathe, have a swim and eat. So neither of them needed to wear a swimsuit of any kind.

I was suddenly feeling self-conscious with heaps of teenage boys walking around. I was wearing my rash vest that was full sleeved and underneath I was wearing my midnight blue bikini. I took my shirt and shorts off and then grabbed my surfboard. We had already cleaned and waxed our boards this morning. The boys were all grinning and talking to each other excitedly, except Brandon. Maybe he was more traumatised than me.

Cass was currently giving Steph advice on how to talk to beach hotties. I just internally laughed. But I soon realised that she was going to give me the same type of advice and actually force me to go and flirt with a guy. I headed towards the beach with the guys trailing behind me. This was gonna be epic.


Our clothes were completely saturated. We were all laughing and having a good time in the water. Even Brandon lightened up a bit. A bit. We were waiting for another wave. The one coming was absolutely humongous. They were all shouting my name in cheers and were telling me it was my turn. I doggy paddled my way up. I was waiting for the perfect moment and when I saw it, I stood up on the board and was surfing the waves. The feeling was so overwhelming and exhilarating. Adrenaline was pumping through my veins, forcing me to keep going. I could faintly hear everyone cheering for me as this was the biggest wave that had come up.

I could see the waves folding over each other and I knew I had to get out otherwise a whirlpool would form and I would have the unfortunate possibility to be stuck in a riptide. I was so close to crashing between the folding waves but I caught my balance and dodged them.

Euphoria filled up inside me, this was the first time I had ever dodged folding waves. I had always tried to but failed miserably. But today, today I actually did it and happiness was welling up inside me. I was too caught up in my thoughts to see the massive wave that crashed over me. It brought me down with it. Finding my way up, I slowly resurfaced. That was hella fun.

Brandon was up next. He had a wave the same size as mine but perhaps slightly bigger. Slightly. He was already up and moving. The way he surfed with such elegance and swiftness left me shocked. He didn't seem like the type of person that would be graceful, especially not during surfing. But his swiftness was remarkable. He moved steadily and at times faster than necessary. He lasted a whole 5 and a half minutes according to Jesse's watch. He beat me by thirty seconds.

When he was distracted watching Jace surf, I then took it as an opportunity to head back to where our stuff was. I grabbed his towel without the girls noticing. They were way too busy talking about Dylan O' Brien's dimples. Girls.

I found a nice spot and dug a huge hole. It was enormous. It took me around ten minutes but it was worth it. I lay his towel over it and hoped that when he came back he would sit on it. This wasn't my major prank. No way. This was too much of an immature plan for me. But this was what I had in mind for him at the beach. I just really hope he sits down and his tush gets stuck. And then I can laugh my tush off.

A/N: alright, who thought that Brandon was gonna kiss her?? I'm trying to make my chapters shorter. This one was longer than the ones I've uploaded recently, but when I write, I lose track of time and I just puke out the words. I'm sorry I had to put 'puke' in there otherwise it would be all cheesy. Anyway,






Stay FaBuLoUs lil rascals

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