9: Implementing le plan

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I told Jace about the photo and the caption. He was equally disgusted. We were ready for the plan to be implemented. Sorta kinda. We were currently discussing what guy we could ask to volunteer. Caleb was out. Jesse was sort of out sort of in. The thing with Jesse was that he was exactly like Jace-crazy and goofy. He was great fun to be around. The only problem was knowing from experience-Jace could be a little careless sometimes and since Jace and Jesse's personality somewhat matched, same could be said for him.

That left us with Brandon. Jace was rooting for Brandon to be the guy from the moment I told him about the plan. He said something about Brandon being the only one in the entire school that hated me with a passion and so I wouldn't actually fall for him. Bullocks. We couldn't even stand each other, pretending to be in love was something very different.

But Jace was persistent and so here we are right now in my bedroom waiting for Brandon to come. Ding. The doorbell rang. Speak of the devil. Jace rushed downstairs to open the door and bring Brandon upstairs.

"What the fuck do you want?" Brandon growled just as Jace was shutting the door behind him.

Jace didn't waste time cutting around the bush, he got straight to the point.
"We need your help."

"With what?" sighed Brandon.

And Jace filled him in on the entire plan. After Jace was done talking, Brandon had an expression on that looked like he wanted to burst out laughing. But he didn't. Because Brandon is never happy and never smiles or laughs.

"That's so fucking stupid."

"Are you gonna help or not?" I asked him impatiently.

"Why should I?"

Dang, it. I didn't think of that. I mean it was quite obvious that Brandon wasn't the kind of person that did anything without a reason. And he definitely wasn't the kind that was going to go pick up the trash of beaches on the weekend because he cared about the environment. How was I so stupid to think that Brandon wouldn't want anything. Stupid stupid stupid!

"What do you want?"

"When the time comes I'll think about it. But will I definitely get it if I carry out this fucked up plan with you?"

"It depends. As long as it's appropriate and within my reach, yes, if not then..."

"How do I know you aren't going to turn away from our little deal."

"Because I'm determined to make him stop. What he does is disgusting. Especially when he himself has a sister."


"Wait, seriously? Your actually gonna help?" I asked in disbelief?

"I'm not going to fucking repeat myself."


We went over rules and regulations. Our first was that there was absolutely no kissing on the lips, only on the cheeks. We could hold hands and everything but nothing else. We made so many rules that I forgot half of them. Oh well.

It was around 7 by the time we finished setting up the plan. We went downstairs and saw Justin in the kitchen. We both knew what we had to do.

"Okay, I'll see you guys at school. Bye." He waited just the right moment and when Justin was looking he pecked me on the cheek.

Dinner was set up and once Brandon had left, Justin fixed a glare on me.
"What the hell was that about?"

"What was what about?" I asked, feigning innocence.

"Cut the crap, you know exactly what I'm on about. Are you two thing?"

"Yeah, we are."

"It hasn't even been a month since we've moved in and you've already got a boyfriend? Unbelievable."

"What the hell is your problem?" I asked.

"My problem is that he's not a good guy."

"You've only met him once."

"I know that he's not good enough."

"Good enough for what? Not good enough to treat me like absolute shit?"

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" he asked, scoffing.

"It means that maybe something or someone good comes into my life and you want to ruin it."

"Ruin it? You're kidding me, right? I'm trying to save you from falling into his trap?"


"Because I'm your fucking brother."

"You were my brother. You were the guy I used to look up to. I wanted to be exactly like you. I wanted to be considerate, caring, helpful, strong and independent like you. But you treat me like absolute shit. Brothers aren't supposed to do that. Siblings aren't supposed to do that. We're supposed to look after and care for each other, no matter how hard things get. No matter what happens we are meant to stick together. I was 11. Okay, I was a fucking kid. I know it was my fault that it happened. I know I could have stopped it. I know it was all my fault. I know that. But I don't need my own brother reminding me of it and telling me that I'm completely useless and worthless. I'm sorry that you're ashamed of me and I'm a complete disgrace. I'm sorry. I am so fucking sorry."

I got up and rushed upstairs suddenly losing my appetite but not before looking at how uncomfortable Jace looked. If this argument was petty I would have laughed at his facial expression. But it was not a simple argument. That argument revolved around my past. And the worst part was that my brothers didn't even know the full story. No one did.






Stay FaBuLoUs lil munchkins

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