26: Movie night

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It was finally Friday and I couldn't be happier. School was really hectic, especially with all the history homework that we had piled up. But thankfully, I had completed all of it and had handed it in.

I had just come back from my shift at the coffee shop and was currently choosing my outfit for tonight. We had all decided that we were going to watch a Disney movie at my house. It was an opportunity to hang out and also show Justin some of Brandon and my cuddling moments.

Justin hadn't exactly stuck to his word. Well, he sorta kinda had. Instead of bringing a new girl to screw each week, he had decided on bringing her every two weeks. And he was mostly just going to there houses. He wasn't bringing them here. I don't know if I was relieved or not. I mean I was relieved that if Justin was screwing girls, he wasn't doing in our house. But at the same time, he was still screwing girls and that pissed me off.

Satisfied with a tank top and some shorts, I headed downstairs to check if there were enough snacks. I opened the fridge to see that we had more than 5 tubs of ice cream. I was definitely going to spoon it. We had chocolate and pasta in the fridge. Justin had made dinner today-teriyaki chicken sushi. There were plenty of snacks in the cupboard like chips and the guys were in charge of the drinks and the girls were in charge of 'not whining if their movie doesn't get picked'. We were all probably going to get drunk off our asses so everybody was staying the night and coming in their pyjamas.

We all hadn't hung out just as a group in a while so we're hoping that we could use this night to catch up. I also realised that Brandon and I had been keeping a lot of secrets from the group. Like Rustin.

They had all bombarded me with questions about my bruises. Brandon told them about nearly everything that happened. Oh, who am I kidding? They told them everything. The group were just as pissed as Jace and Brandon and were ready for any chance to beat the shit out of Rustin. So technically, The Rustin issue wasn't a secret but Brandon and I were. Ever since our storytelling night, we'd gotten a whole lot closer. I don't know how it happened, I really don't, but Brandon seemed to let his facade of being expressionless down. He even smiled a couple of times with me in the past two days.

He isn't always serious with me nowadays. He cracks some jokes, smirks more than necessary and he's become quite fun to hang around with. But not like Jace type of fun. No. Jace is his own type of crazy. Every minute of every day he acts like he's high. He's become even more hilarious. And I always thought that it wasn't possible for Jace to become funnier. I guess I was wrong. He's completely carefree and I love that. I can't exactly go around without a single care in the world but it makes me feel better that someone I care immensely about can. He sometimes inspires me to become a dorky, fun idiot like him.

Coming back to the present I realise that somebody has rung the doorbell. I don't know why but I suddenly feel excited. Maybe it's because we might watch a Disney movie. I mean what kind of idiot doesn't love Disney movies?

We all called our spots on the couches. Cassie was in the midst of putting Beauty and the Beast on while Jace was setting up the drinks and everyone else was just laughing and talking. The guys had chosen another horror movie to watch after this one. Cassie looked nervous whereas Steph and I were quite okay with it.

Justin claimed that he would join us for the horror movie, but would possibly even join us for Beauty and the Beast. We were actually planning to put on Frozen just to piss the guys off. The girls were so close to winning until Brandon got up and snapped the DVD in half. The DVD was Cassie's and she was heartbroken when Brandon snapped it. She tried glaring daggers at Brandon but she ultimately failed, she was just naturally too nice and too sweet.

The popcorn was ready, the chocolate and other snacks were on the coffee table, the movie was about to begin and I was already munching on the divine taste of caramel popcorn. Sharing the large sofa where Brandon and I, and everybody else was seated on they other sofas. Tobias and Cassie were cuddling up and it was so cute. I can't believe I just said that.

Justin was still going in and out of the lounge room so Brandon and I had to put up a show. In all honesty, I didn't feel awkward or uncomfortable cuddling up with Brandon. His warmth was extremely welcoming. When Justin first came into the room, I quickly approached Brandon's side. He tensed up at first but then relaxed. When I moved away from him, I felt the warmth completely drain out of me. I silently pleaded in my head for Justin to come back in so I could have an excuse to cuddle up. I think Brandon felt the same way judging by his facial expression. I can't believe I just admitted that I wanted to cuddle with Brandon.

We changed our cuddling position after a while. I was sitting down and Brandon's head was on my lap while I was gently stroking it with my hand and moving the hair away that was falling on his eyes. At one point I stopped and let my hand rest on my thighs but Brandon picked it up from there and re-adjusted it in his hair and asked me to continue stroking. He even put in a please in the sentence.

Jace was complaining that there was no more popcorn so I had to go and get some from the kitchen. He's such a lazy ass. Caleb was forwarding the song that was playing. Watching Disney movies with the guys was no fun. They would rewind and forward constantly. It really just annoyed you to death.

I was getting up and was silently cursing at Jace in my mind when I got pulled down to the couch again. I was momentarily surprised until I turned around to see Brandon giving me half a smile. Yes, half a freakin smile.

"What can I do for you?"

"You can shut up and let me watch the movie."

"Brandon, I have to go get some popcorn."

"Too bad."

"Brandon, Jace and the others want popcorn."

"They can get it themselves. You're not going."

"Let go of me, Brandon."

He didn't let go of me and instead, he pulled me closer towards him. The action sent unfamiliar tingles up my spine and made me shiver. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Justin looking at us. How did I not notice a 6 foot something guy standing there? Sometimes I can be really dumb. Sometimes.

That must've been the reason why Brandon carried out his action. But how did he see Justin there? He had his back faced towards him. But nonetheless, Brandon only did that because Justin was there.

And for some reason that hurt.






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