31: Way past my bedtime

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He punched, I ducked.

He punched, I ducked.

He punched, I ducked.

That's all that was going on and this fight was starting to infuriate me.

Rustin crept toward me again and this time when he punched I blocked his hand to the side. He seemed a little startled at the power that I exerted and I used that to my advantage. My knee hit his stomach and my free hand swung at his cheek. He somehow shifted his head at the angle in which my hand also ended up hitting his nose and the area just below his eye.

His nose displayed a beautiful blood splatter and my mind was immediately satisfied at the same time disgusted. Rustin however, was not the least bit enjoying my moment of contentment. Instead, he came at me growling and thrashed his right hand to the side of my head sending me flying toward the hard ground surface of the ring.

Rustin didn't waste any time as he struck again, swinging his hand around my neck choking me. I could almost feel him smiling as he watched me writhe and suffer in front of him. His grasp became tighter and tighter as the seconds went by. I was going to pass out if I didn't tap out but I refused to lose to someone who had just as much class as an overfilled dumpster. So, I did the only thing I could think of to get away from his revolting touch. I lifted my leg up from its resting position and locked it around his head. The hand that I was using to pry away from Rustin's disgusting touch was now headed straight at his eye in the form of my elbow. I kept elbowing him until his clutch on me lessened to the point where I was in charge.

I straddled him by the hips and punched him harder and with more force each time my fist collided with his now blood-filled face. I'm probably going to have to have more than ten showers tonight. He managed to hit me on the cheek but I didn't let that distract me. I kept on punching until I heard a whistle blow signalling that I had knocked Rustin out.

After one last punch, I lifted myself up and nearly puked at the sickening smell of blood that lingered in the air. I heard absolutely nothing but the crowd cheering. I headed back into the changing rooms and sat down before my brain registered that I was feeling dizzy and nauseous. My knuckles were covered by boxing gloves but there were severe bruises forming.

I checked the time only to find out it was 11:30. Way past my bedtime. I needed to get out of this place before my muscles refused to move at all. I got up and hurried to the shower stalls. The cold water poured over me like ice as it scraped against each and every one of my wounds, the grime slipping away from my body.

I hopped out of the shower and quickly slipped into my clothes. I didn't have time to look at my reflection. Honestly, I didn't want to look at my reflection. I'm sure I look as hideous as ever with all my bruises forming and finding a place to live on my face.

As I was walking outside on the pathway, everything around me started to swirl. I kept walking but the swirling became faster. I felt sleepy. My gym bag dropped from my shoulder and my body started swaying. My legs didn't ask my brain for permission as they gave in and I collapsed on the floor.

The last thing I saw before my head hit the ground and my eyes shut instantly was a blinding flash of light that seemed closer to me than I found safe.


I was surrounded by white. The only colour in the room was the beautifully placed flowers in a vase. I lifted myself to get a better view and instantly regretted it. A starburst of pain shot right through me and that's when all the events came pouring down on me. I remembered the fight in the ring with Rustin and eventually realised that I was in a hospital.

I lifted myself up again but this time slowly. I could make out that there were two people sitting in the chairs and they looked like females. They instantly got up and approached me. They looked extremely familiar and when they got close enough I figured out that it was Cassie and Stephanie.

"Hey, Kate. How are you feeling?"

"Like someone threw me down from the Burj Khalifa."

"Well, you have a minor concussion. They're admitting you in the hospital until they're sure that you'll be okay."

"What? No. No, I'm perfectly fine. See."

"Kate, you might feel fine, but it doesn't necessarily mean that you actually are."

"Listen, Justin nor Jace know that I was at the underground fight club. They will quite literally throw me down the Burj Khalifa if they find out. Can't you just say that I slept over or something."

"Kate," Cassie said with a sorry look in her eyes, "we already called Justin and plus, only a family member 18+ can sign you out. Also, they're going to find out one way or another. I mean, your face looks like a purple cabbage salad."

"Purple cabbage salad?" Stephanie asked with amusement.

"Hey, I didn't want to be mean and look at all the bruises," Cassie whispered as if thinking that I couldn't hear her.

The door looked like it was going to fly off its hinges when Justin and Jace appeared. They both shared a look of anxiety. Que the long-ass lecture on not listening to Justin and illegally fighting which ended up with me looking like a salad.

"Do you know what the fuck the time is?" Growled Justin.

"Time to go home?" I said in a means of lightening up the mood.

"It's two fucking a.m. We were so fucking worried we even called the police. You weren't picking up your phone and you didn't leave a message or even bother to tell anyone where you were going," He said, practically fuming.

"Then we get a call from your friends saying that you're in the hospital with a concussion and covered in bruises. How the hell were we supposed to react to that? We honestly thought you got raped or something," he breathed. His eyes looked tired and worried.

"I'm sorry," I whispered.

"Too late."

"The doctors said she's going to have to stay awhile. Until they know that she won't feel sick or dizzy because of the concussion," Cassie said quietly.

"Where the hell did you even go?"Jace asked, the panicked look still in his eyes.

No words came out of my mouth.

"Where. The. Hell. Did. You. Go?"

"The underground fight club."

Justin turned around to face me. He looked so incensed it actually scared me. But he didn't say anything. He just stormed out of the room and didn't look back once. I didn't realise what I had done. I just felt infuriated at Brandon and needed to get my anger out. My friends and brothers were all here at two in the morning for me. Great way to start a new month. I pretty much-ruined everyone's night and seeing Justin storm out like that without yelling at me or lecturing me hurt. Because it showed that he was disappointed in me, so disappointed that he just left without talking to me about it. What hurt even more for an unidentified reason was that Brandon wasn't here.

My brother is so truly pissed at me that he didn't even bother to argue with me but instead stormed off and here I am thinking about Brandon. I think the concussion really did some serious damage.






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