20: What happened?

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I had called shotgun and Jace was in the back. Listening to the song could go either way, I could have another panic attack or I could enjoy the song and sing along. I choose the second one. I'm sick of them being able to taunt me without even physically being in the same room as me. I'm not a weak and naive girl, no.

We were only two lines into the song and Jace seemed to hesitate when he was talking. "Kate, was this the reason why?" I knew exactly what he meant. He knew that I used to sing the song with dad. He knew that this brought back memories, not necessarily good. He knew everything except why. Why it all happened. Why they did it.

"What? No-no." I could see Brandon trying to figure out what Jace and I were talking about but I wouldn't let him know. So I started singing along. Jace and Brandon were both equally surprised, startled actually. Jace started laughing then joined in. Brandon just looked at me and smirked. Don't break my heart my achy breaky heart.

After about 25 minutes of constant bickering and around 10 country songs we arrived home. Jace invited Brandon in since Justin had ordered pizza.

"Yeah, just give us a minute," said Brandon.

"Yeah, sure."

I asked him what was going on but he didn't say anything he just brought his hand to my cheek and before I could stop him he tucked the hair behind my ear to reveal my bruise. I didn't know how bad the bruise had gotten but judging by the way the Brandon was looking at me and by the pain, it had to be enormous.

"How the fuck did you get that?" he growled.

"Get what?" I asked, feigning oblivion.

"Don't you dare play dumb with me. How the fuck did you get that bruise?"

"Nothing, there's nothing there. Now can we please go in and eat?"Brandon looked furious. He was glaring at me intensely. So intensely that I felt like pissing my pants.

"How the fuck did you get that bruise?" He asked, enunciating each word properly and slowly.

"I was talking to James and I bumped into a pole because I wasn't watching where I was going."

"Bullshit! Tell me how you actually got the bruise."

"I already told you. I'm starving right now and you're holding me back from eating pizza. PIZZA. I told you."

His expression softened ten-fold from the raging look in his eyes. "Klumsy, I need you to tell me how you got that bruise."

"Brandon, it doesn't matter," I said, going to walk away but he caught hold of my arm, stopping me.

"It does matter," he said softly.

"I had an encounter with the moron," I sighed, looking at Brandon.

"From the mall?"

"Moron's name is Rustin. I went to pack our stuff up and he appeared out of nowhere. He was being inappropriate so I slapped him. He got mad at me and dragged me to a secluded area in the forest. A few 'ouches' were exchanged and then James came from nowhere. Rustin ran away and James helped me up without knowing anything about the harassment."

"He hit you?" Brandon said with his jaw clenched and tone exhibiting shock and rage. "I'm going to kill the little bitch."

"No Brandon, you're not. I'm pretty sure I broke his wrist so its fine."

"Nope. No. Not enough for the piece of filth."

"Brandon, It's okay. Come on, I think breaking his wrist and finding out that his name rhymes with dust-bin is good enough."

"Why are you taking this as a joke? 5 seconds ago you looked like you were going to cry. The little prick made you want to cry. There is no way in hell that he'll get away with doing what he did."

"Brandon, right now you're the one who's going to make me cry. I'm starving and you're still not letting me go inside and eat."

"You know you were the one who ordered the most at the shack and you're still hungry? We just ate 40 minutes ago."

"Hey, don't judge me. I'm a girl who likes to eat. I'll exercise later."

I could die right now. Brandon was smiling at me. He was showing his dimples and he was actually smiling. "I'm gonna kill him."






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