Mutant Dresser

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"STAR-R-R-R-R!" Marco's voice sounded from behind as he clung on to the nearest vehicle in order to avoid being sucked up by another black hole.

"Hold on Marco!" She pointed her wand towards it yelling the spell, "Multi-Candy-Sheep-Plug-Cannon!" As soon as she said the words, thousands of pink cotton candy sheep began pouring out of her wand filling up the black hole and reducing the pressure. "Phew, that could've gone horribly!" She beamed and pulled Marco to his feet.

"How did that even work?" He dusted off his hoodie and stared wide eyed between star and the sheep plugging up the hole as one got sucked through.

"Eh, I have no idea," Star shrugged and laughed, "You down for pizza?"

"Sure!" Marco replied and the two walked away from the beaten up monsters and utter wreckage of broken vehicles and buildings that had been left behind. It was just another classic day for Star and Marco.

Two pizzas and a ten-minute walk later, they arrived at the Diaz residence, wiped out from a day of kicking ass and mildly destroying the whole town.

"Ah, what a day, huh?" Marco grinned, laying back on the couch before peering over at his best friend. Star had fallen asleep as soon as they sat down and was currently drooling while murmuring something about monsters and her mother.

Marco took one look at her and smiled to himself, shaking his head before pulling her arms over his shoulders and carrying her, piggy-back style, up to her room and to her bed. At least he attempted to carry her without disturbance; unfortunately, he wasn't the strongest kid in the world and Star wasn't the most peaceful sleeper either. It almost reminded him of the time she had cast spells in her sleep as she was thrashing about chaotically, yet somehow still sleeping soundly through the whole ordeal. Yep, that was Star, alright.

He tried his best to gracefully put her down but she slumped head first onto the mattress with her arms outstretched in front of her, legs on the floor.

"Eh, good enough," He shrugged and left to go to his own room but paused as he heard a brief 'thanks Marco,'. He heard shuffling and presumed she was changing clothes so he hurried out. It wasn't even particularly late but he could feel the fatigue crawling in and decided the best thing to do would be to get an early night.

Then he remembered the tests they had in the morning and groaned, walking to his desk to study.

He looked it up and down: from the pencil marks he'd always left in boredom as a kid, to the taped together legs keeping the furniture upright after Star's 'Mystic Room Suck Transform' spell, to the spider drawings she'd leave every time she hung out there. Suddenly, studying seemed to be at the back of Marco's mind as he looked at each one individually. Most of them were the same but a fare few were individual, such as the 'Angie' spider and the 'Rafael' spider, based on his parents as well as the 'Star' and 'Marco' spiders.

Finally, Marco returned his attention to his text books and looked over his history assignment before shutting the light off and going to bed. Something told him the oncoming day would be even more draining than the current.

"Oh gosh, oh gosh, oh gosh, Marco!" His eyes lazily fluttered open at the sound of Star's voice and he suddenly opened them wide in the realization that she was in his room, pulling his quilt over him more to cover up his pajama'd body.

"W-what happened?" His voice felt croaky from waking up.

Star sat on his bed with her usual nightgown on and she bit her nails in nervousness, avoiding eye contact.

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