See You Around

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(Quick A/N) After the newest promo i considered putting this fic on hiatus or stopping it completely because my original plan is too similar to next monday's episode (Bon Bon The Birthday Clown) but what the heck, it's kinda different and i vowed to finish (even though it's a bit past Halloween) it so here's the next one, Enjoy! -PeachOut<3 

"BEEP-BEEP-BEEP," Star woke with a start. She groaned, sitting up and dragging her hands over the bags under her eyes. She spotted the floorboards first, which were very different from her bluish tiles and then she remembered she wasn't in her room.

She peered over at the lump of quilt above her. Her breathing sped up as she saw Marco's fluffy brown bed head peeping out from his covers and the slow rise and fall of his chest as he snored. Her cheeks heated up and immediately she evacuated the room, dragging a bundle of clothes from her pile on the floor as she left to change in the bathroom. Marco stayed where he was, sleeping soundly through the alarm.

Star didn't know what was going on with herself, she tried to cool her face off with cold tap water and quickly pulled on the peach coloured sweater. The hem almost reached her knees and the sleeves were too big so she rolled them up and put on some mint green coloured leggings and white sneakers. Her hair looked a mess; she wasn't used to manually fixing it every morning so she decided to pull it up into a ponytail but still, something seemed to be missing. She found a red ribbon in her bathroom chest of unorganised utensils and tied it around her ponytail. It wasn't the same as her horns but it would do.

Finally, she made her way into the kitchen, tempted by the smell of freshly cooked breakfast and almost walked right into Marco, who looked like he had just woken up. "Oh sorry!" They both said simultaneously, staring at each other for a little too long. Star couldn't understand why she felt so awkward around him all of a sudden. He gave her one last smile before disappearing into the bathroom as Star ran down the stairs. Maybe it was because of his date with Jackie that Star didn't want to be so openly friendly with him anymore, after all, people did have their assumptions about them. She decided to shrug it off and get through the school day as usual: they'd get the bus, walk to class and sit at their same table at lunch. It would all be perfectly ordinary and nothing could go wrong. Well, it would be as ordinary as her day could be.

For the most part, it went that way. Sure, Marco seemed a lot more distracted with his phone over breakfast, even when Star told him the exciting story of how her and his mother went thrift shopping and she showed off her outfit. It didn't matter if Marco was listening or not, nothing could put a downer on Star's mood. Even when they burst through the school doors and were suffocated with posters and handouts of the most recent obsession: something called the 'Jack-O-Jamboree'. Although Star had no idea what it was or why she was accepting a colourful piece of paper, she never faltered her enthusiasm.

"Oh my gosh! Marco look!" Her hands scrunched around the flyer in fists as she waved it around at him.

"What am I looking at?" Marco asked her, clearly not looking at the flyer. She sighed and brought it right in front of his face.

"I don't know!" She grinned, "What is it?"

Marco's eyes flew up from his phone to the flyer for a brief second before shooting back down to his phone. He took a sidestep out of the way and turned, continuing to read his text messages, "One sec," He held a free hand up before typing something and then giggling to himself, "Don't worry about that Star, it's just another stupid school dance, since it's Halloween, I'm guessing people dress up..." He trailed off, not paying attention again but it didn't matter.

"Oh my gosh!" She repeated, shooting her eyes over the writing again back and forth so she could absorb all the details.

"Yeah... don't get too excited, those things are a drag," Marco half-heartedly told her but she had already disappeared. He rolled his eyes walking as he texted until he walked face first into an open locker, "Ow Jeez!"

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