A Friend-Less Thursday

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(A/N) I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. </3 I wanna say happy boxing day and happy first day of Fic-mas! (That's what I'm calling this flurry of consecutive chapters you'll get over the next twelve days, more or less.) But, this chapter... it's pretty sad I'm not gonna lie. Hugs and hot chocolate amazing people, it'll all get better for the smol bbys soon i promise<3 (I'm sorry) New chapter tomorrow! 

"HAY! What is up girl! I'm not here right now, ring B-A-A-A-CK later!" Star huffed and hung up her compact mirror at the pre-recorded video of Ponyhead for the third time.

Star groaned, "She never answers her phone!" She slid her back down the wall into a seating position as she closed her mirror. She never realised how lonely school was without Marco. Part of her wanted to apologise for ignoring him but she was still upset over what had happened the night before. It wasn't like she was the only one avoiding the situation; he hadn't approached her once since this morning. 

He'd made it quite clear where his priorities were and remembering to make costumes with her clearly wasn't one of them. She told herself that it was on his shoulders to apologise first, as stubborn as that thought was.

 Then again, it had only been a day and already it had sunk in how much she missed him. She hung her head. He probably didn't even know he'd done anything wrong, and, being honest, he really hadn't. Star hated how selfish she felt. He was hanging out with the girl of his dreams: Jackie, something he'd been waiting for since seventh grade. Star should be happy for him...

"Star?" She heard someone say her name. Her heart leaped for a moment when she thought it was Marco and then she realised, it was only Oskar.

"Oskar!" She exclaimed, flustered, "Hey! Heheh..." She ran out of words. She wasn't prepared for this conversation and her heart was beating rapidly. C'mon Butterfly, you got this. "You startled me," She smiled awkwardly.

Oskar's mouth curved into a smile and Star thought she was going to pass out. "Sorry," He grinned like he wasn't sorry, "What're you doing on the floor?"

Star glanced around like she only just noticed where she was, "Oh!" She tried to stand but was staring at Oskar too much and fell back down again, arms outstretched in front of her and hair covering her face. "Ow..." She muffled.

"Need a lil' help?" He offered, leaning down and holding out his hand for her. 

Star grinned lazily and grabbed his hand. "Tha-a-a-nks!" She breathed. She got to her feet slightly more gracefully this time and gave him a genuine smile.

"Where's your red-hoodie-dude?" Oskar asked casually and Star's eyes widened in surprise.

"Oh, uh, He's..." She hesitated, "...hanging out with other people today," She finished quickly, unconvincingly.

"Oh too bad," Oskar gave her a sympathetic look, "Are you doing anything important right now?" The question echoed through her ears when she took a glimpse behind him, spotting a familiar face. Marco, she thought. She met Oskar's eyes again and she gave him a reassuring smile. She searched for the right words but just as she hesitated, she noticed the flash of red disappearing as Marco walked away. Her expression fell to a frown. 

"Oh y'know," She tried a weak smile, "Just hanging out with the good-old self!" She rubbed her arm sadly.

Oskar searched her eyes for a few minutes and glanced behind him. "I have an idea," He smiled.

Without warning, Star felt her arm being tugged as Oskar had grabbed it and was leading her somewhere. She didn't ask where they were going.

"Star, meet Monica, Winston and I think you already know Lars," Oskar introduced as she glanced between the students. Lars was beating up a school chair and paused to wave.

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