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"Hmmm," The small blue glossary looked the dresser up and down which seemed to be strangely content. The only evidence of it being alive was its steady breathing movements. Glossaryck floated closer, stroking his chin in thought. He poked the piece of furniture several times before peeling a splinter from it. He brought it to his tongue and licked it before investigating it in more detail with his eyes. Finally, he broke it in two and looked between the two pieces before throwing them behind his back and placing his hands behind his head, lazily floating back to meet Star and Marco.

"Well?" Marco interrogated.

"It seems, Miss Butterfly," Glossaryck ignored Marco, "That this magic is similar to your own, but not yours," He explained, "The spell that has granted life to this dresser hasn't been cast by your half of the wand, that doesn't mean to say you cannot reverse the spell with your own, which brings to attention, where is your wand?"

"Actually..." Star glanced at the creature once again and back to Glossaryck, "It's not exactly in my reach," She tiptoed around the question.
"The dresser ate it," Marco explained and Star smiled sheepishly.

"I see," Glossaryck looked uninterested, "Then I'll have to let the King and Queen know of this inconvenience," He stated before sliding back into Star's spell book. "Good-bye-,"

"Wait!" Marco yelled as Glossaryck immediately reappeared.

"Please don't tell them Glossaryck, they'll send me to St Olga's," Star pleaded, falling to her knees in desperation.

"What's so bad about Olga's? Your best friend goes there, doesn't she?" Glossaryck responded casually.

"No you don't understand! Last time we were there-," Star stopped herself, realising she was saying too much that Glossaryck could easily tell her mother. According to pony-head, the school had turned into some kind of party school with Miss Heinous gone but that still meant if she was sent there she'd have to leave Earth... and Marco, "There has to be something we can do!"

Glossaryck read her eyes for a few minutes before finally announcing, "In order to overcome this, you'll have to decide on one of three options: One, you could, as you have done before without your wand, dip down and reverse the spell, Two, tell your mother, or Three, find the other half of the wand and reverse the spell,"

"Well the second one is out of the question," Marco glanced towards Star, "How good are you at wandless magic?"

"Almost as good as I am with my wand!" Star replied, half joking.

"So we're screwed,"

"Indeed," Glossaryck glanced at her from head to toe, "The circumstances since last time have changed,"

"Huh?" They both looked at him.

"You won't be able to retrieve your wand this time by dipping down, that much is clear,"

"I guess that leaves us with our only option, finding the other piece of your wand," Marco stated to Star as Glossaryck disappeared back inside the spell book amidst a cloud of smoke.


"And last time we saw it, Ludo had it,"

"That's right,"

"And we won't have a wand to help us if we decide to go up against him to get it back,"


Marco was midway freaking out when his mother entered the room, "Star! How about we go out and buy you some new clothes for tomorrow, since you don't have your wand anymore," She suggested, cheerfully and Star beamed.

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