The Void

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(A/N) *Deep inhale* Well damn, it's done. ; o ; Thank you so much for being on this journey with me! I challenged myself so much while writing this: from the word count and personal deadlines to the action scenes (which I'm pretty sure i butchered.) Still, I'm so thankful for all the support, especially Bumble_bee129 and SnowFlame2127, and to everyone who's been here since the beginning! I truly hope you have an amazing day! (Also, don't forget to stick around for the epilogue!) -PeachOut<3

The first thing she felt was cold. The air felt thin and she almost thought she was underwater. There was no way to decipher whether she had her eyes open or not, both resulted in the same outcome: darkness. It was a strange sensation, like she was dreaming.

Star tried to cast her mind back to how she'd ended up in her current situation. A year could've gone by, or a few seconds. Nothing was certain in the void. It gave her so much time to reflect.

She thought of Marco's face: his tender smile, his kind hands, his warm brown doe eyes that made her melt.

She thought of the very first time those eyes had looked at her earnestly, when she first came to Earth after she'd given them every reason to scowl at her. She thought about the time she had seen those eyes again, in a new light, a red light: The blood moon ball. They had appeared out of nowhere as he spun her around. 

At the turning point of her feelings, of course she had recognised them.

Her cheeks felt warm and when she glanced down at herself, expecting to see darkness, she felt herself glowing, brightly, like a star.

Marco hadn't processed what had happened. How could he? He refused to believe it was all real.

Star... had evaporated. She was gone from existence.

Just as he lost all hope, as he was about to give up and let the cabinet digest him, or for Ludo to cast a spell and finally be rid of him, he heard a sudden disruption.

"NAAAYYYY!" A whinny detonated from above, as a sparkly murderous looking pony charged straight for Ludo. Ponyhead?

Before Marco could comprehend what had happened, a second disruption sounded from behind him and the cabinet was thrown to the side in flames. The demon behind the flames seemed to be unaware of Marco's capture inside as he let out a booming roar.

The horse head swirled around in surprise at Tom's outburst.

Fury was embedded in both of their eyes as they shared a nod and shot both destructive glares towards the perpetrator as they charged, sending daggers of fire and glitter right at him.

Marco glanced around, trying to find a way to assist the deliriously angry attackers. His eyes honed in on Star's wand and then a wild idea popped into his head.

Adrenaline elevated his strength as he tried to pry apart the glass teeth doors that encased him. He mustered everything he had in his own battle to open the prison, slicing his hands open at the strain against glass. He ignored the droplets of blood; he was going to get out of here.

"TOM!" Ponyhead yelled as she was exposed to the giant spider's attack, "FREE THEM!" She referred to the furniture imprisoning the students as she tried to trap the spider beneath a capsized table, "FIND MARCO!"

Her trap seemed to fail so she fled one way, avoiding a nasty jab from the spider's legs and ducking out of the way of its companion's swooping talons. She panted for breath before jetting out of the way again as an unexpected set of pincers pounced on her.

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