The Jack-O-Jamboree Part 1

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(A/N) This is late, i'm sorry!! ; o ; I totally got distracted looking at old memes with ToxicWolf last night way too late x3 but it's here now! Omg we're so close! This chapter is a little longer than the others and the last one is probably going to be longer still OuO. Btw 'Midweek Special' is my personal term for when a teacher gets a lil' tipsy on a school night. (I totally tease my mother with that one) Anyways, I might carry on writing tonight but if not, you are still guaranteed the big finale by tomorrow! I've been hyping myself up for this. ^u^ -PeachOut<3 

Friday morning rolled around without so much as a warning. Star had already been up for a while, buried in her small pile of belongings in the garage. She had called Ponyhead for some comfort prior which helped a little but didn't fill the void in her heart.

"B-fly! I missed your call yesterday!" The unicorn announced through the small handheld mirror, "Is everything okay? You look down, girl," Ponyhead gave her a sympathetic look.

"Pssh, everything's fine!" Star lied behind her usual cheery tone, "I just wanted to see what you were up to,"

"Well, me and Kelly went to the bounce lounge yesterday, it was pretty fun girl, I was going to invite you but I thought since it was friendship Thursday, you'd have other plans," Ponyhead winked through the screen.

"Yeah..." Star trailed off. With everything that happened, she had forgotten all about friendship Thursday.

It hadn't even crossed her mind that she could go and get her wand back from the monster furniture now. She kicked herself for not trying earlier but the whole week had completely distracted her. The unintentional abandonment of her wand made her feel... human.

The only magic she had used all week was with the delinquents the previous day, excluding her magic mirror of course.

"Hey Pony, I'll call you back, I just need to sort something out," Star told her and quickly hung up the mirror.

She bounded up the stairs and prayed she wouldn't bump into Marco. The sound of running water assured her he was occupied in the shower and she raced past to her own room, kicking the door down as she entered, prepared for a fight.

She held her arms in front of her face defensively, panting from her drastic entry. She glanced around at her empty room.

"Huh?" She took another look around, "That's odd..." It took her a moment to realise, "ALL THE FURNITURE IS MISSING?!" She whirled around. Her bed, her dresser, her fish tank; they were all gone. She had to tell Marco. Then she remembered the argument. That's probably not a good idea.

Whatever had happened, she was on her own. "Why on Mewni is there glitter on the floor?" Star observed as she followed the trail all the way to the balcony. She looked up, distracted by the view of the sun as it slowly climbed its way up into the sky.

"Huh," She shrugged. Upon turning back around, she noticed a familiar gleam. She rubbed her eyes in disbelief, "No... It can't be!" She smiled, bending down to pick up her wand, "Hey there old friend," She moved to pick it up and winced at the slimy monster drool that coated her hands. "Looks like you could really do with a bath..."

Star walked to school that day, protectively keeping her wand close to her at all times. She hadn't even seen Marco leave... again. She sighed. No matter how happy she was that she had found her wand again, it didn't seem like much of a celebration without Marco. She narrowed her eyes again, anger fuelling her legs. She thought back to what he said and muttered incoherently to herself.

"Hey, Star!" She spun around, ready to snap at whoever had interrupted her but her eyes softened.

"Oskar!" He was driving alongside her in his car and leaning one arm out of the open window as he spoke, the other lazily gripping the wheel.

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