Don't Cry, Craft!

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(A/N) I was listening to 'Friends' by Chase Atlantic while writing this and omigosh I almost cried. I swear if Marco doesn't get a move on and marry Star, I will. She is too smol and pure for this world ; o ;. Don't worry though, she'll be smiling again in no time (in this fic anyways >w<)! If you get the chapter title reference, ayy ayy ;3. Get ready for the twelve days of Star next week. (I mean the book will probably finish before then; only three chapters to go!! +the epilogue<3 Brace yourselves for a huge crazy battle in the final chapter :33) Omigosh I love writing for this QuQ If I had to choose between this show and oxygen, I would choose this show every single time ; w ;. Tysm for reading and supporting! <33 Have a wonderful Christmas you amazing people! :3

"Marco? Marco!" 

"Huh what?" He swivelled around startled, dropping his phone, "No!" He knelt, grieving the loss of his technological friend.

Star gaped holding a finger up, as though she was about to say something, "Oh my gosh Marco, I'm so sorry," She reached out about to place a hand on his shoulder but stopped short.

He picked it up carefully breathing a sigh of relief when it switched on, "Yes!" He fist-pumped the air in achievement then turned to Star, "It's okay! Look, it still works!" He grinned, "Don't worry Star, it's not your fault," He stated blandly while his eyes were glued to the screen yet again.

Star looked at the floor, "Oh good..." For some reason, she couldn't quite help but feel like the phone breaking might have been better, at least he'd actually listen when she spoke to him.

However, Marco continued to walk and didn't notice as she followed after him. She was about to say something else but he cut in, "Hey I'm gonna walk home from school for a change, catch up later?"

He didn't wait for a reply.

Star trudged to the bus stop. She hoped Marco would remember that they were supposed to make their costumes that night but deep down she knew he'd forget. She tried to be optimistic. She called her best friend Ponyhead to cheer herself up and stay optimistic and even talked to Janna for a bit when she came around with the materials she needed. Angie waved at her as she sat in the living room, glitter and sequins littered the floor as she put together her costume, or at least started to. She waited until Angie and Rafael went to bed before sighing and getting up herself. 

Marco eventually came home, elated from the day. Star didn't want to cause an argument, so she pretended to be asleep on the couch. She waited until he ran all the way upstairs and shut his own door, signalling he'd gone to bed, before she eventually dragged herself up to her own room. She stood in front of it, about to open her door when she remembered. She couldn't. She even debated calling her mom but thought against it. Moon would probably order her home and then she'd have to explain everything. Instead, she walked back down the stairs and curled up on the sofa, bringing a blanket of monster hide over herself to keep warm. She bundled up in disappointment, from Marco forgetting a promise he probably didn't realise he'd made, to her own actions for locking herself out of her room. Maybe tomorrow would be better? Maybe Marco would make it up to her?

Marco looked around, his mouth agape. Jackie had taken him to the skate park which she had stated was 'Her favourite' in all of Echo Creek. She didn't bring her board though, from the looks of it, which was unusual for her. When Marco questioned it she simply replied with, "Skullnick caught me skating in the hallways again and took it off me." She sighed. Marco said something about that being totally unfair and Jackie chuckled, nodding her head.

They sat on one of the skate ramps, which took a lot more effort on Marco's part. Jackie jumped up with ease out of probable years of habit while he struggled and sweated, eventually needing her help. He prayed his hands weren't as sweaty as he thought when she brought him up alongside her and visibly gulped when she lowkey wiped her hand on her shirt. He laughed nervously, internally kicking himself.

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