The Jack-O-Jamboree Part 2

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(A/N) So the final chapter is going to be a lot longer than i thought therefore, i'm splitting this into a further 2 separate parts. The real finale will hopefully be up today! ^u^ -PeachOut<3 

"Marco-o-o?" Star drew out his name, feeling suddenly a whole less confident about finally talking to her best friend again. What if he doesn't even want to talk?

Star shook away the thought, she knew Marco better than that.

"Marco, where are you!" She yelled again as she stopped next to the school's trophy case. Last time she was here, she'd boobytrapped the school football field. It seemed appropriate for her to return to this point the second time she'd messed up on such a large scale.

The click of a lock sparked her attention and she turned around in surprise.

Found Him.

His shoulders were slumped as he rubbed his right arm nervously. Star swallowed nervously; he looked so fragile. His gaze had dropped to the floor and then back up again meeting hers.

The world had disappeared: the music from the gym hall, the flashing lights, the whole corridor. The only thing that mattered in that moment was them.

They looked at each other. All of Star's confidence had left her behind and she stood speechless. She tilted her head slightly at the sight of him, a small smile creeping its way up her cheeks.

Marco opened his mouth, trying to form a coherent sentence. He was way out of his depth here. The space between them seemed too far away and he was dying to close it. His body fidgeted. He took a step forwards, a small one.

Star noticed the movement and shuffled slightly, restless with excitement and awaiting another signal.

Marco lowered his hands to hang at his sides. They looked open, inviting.

Upon his initiation, she rushed in all at once, exactly like he knew she would.

The proceeding almost went too slowly and they fought their way past the obstacle of time to meet halfway. It was clumsy, rushed and wonderfully real.

She embraced him with so much force, he felt the breath leave his lungs. He didn't need it anymore. 

She received similar treatment; he was holding her like she was going to disappear.

She buried her face into his neck, hiding her face in case her stifled tears were revealed. He reciprocated, savouring the softness of her skin and the sweet scent of her hair against his cheek.

"I'm sorry," Marco's voice had reduced itself to a whisper. It had cracked as he bit back his sobs. Finally, the words he'd wanted to say this whole time had left his lips. A tsunami of relief washed over him.

"I'm sorry too," She replied earnestly. Her eyes were wide, panicked, as the idea of actually losing her best friend engulfed her mind and suddenly she was trembling.

Neither of them would let go. They stayed like that until it felt like they were no longer separate entities. No words were needed to fill the content quiet; their hold was more than enough.

Star was ready to say the next few words that had tormented her mind the past week. They were easy, simple, they...

A gurgle interrupted them. Star furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

"Was that?" They both pulled back, but not all the way. Their arms remained intertwined in an iron grip. It would take a hurricane to separate them now.

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