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(A/N) I listened to 'Maybe, Maybe.' by Cam Nacson so much while writing this whole story, it just reminds me of them so much QuQ. Anyway, last one! I hope you enjoy!

The early hours of the Saturday morning crawled along, yet neither Star nor Marco could sleep after the wild events of the night. They instead, had spent the time reminiscing and catching up on the rooftop of the Diaz residence before Marco finally brought up the subject that had been plaguing his mind.

"Star, about the other day..." He hesitated, unsure how he should continue, "I didn't mean to ditch you... I-," He hung his head.

"It's fine Marco, Jackie's a lucky girl, I'm really happy for you," Star gave him the biggest smile she could muster, trying to assure him that she was telling the truth.

"No, that's not-,"

"When's your next date going to be?"

"Well that's the thing... there's not going to be one," He confessed and she glanced towards him in confusion.

"What, why not?"

"We talked... and while I still think she's amazing, we don't really have a lot in common," Marco began, yawning and lying back on the roof tiles.

Star studied him for a moment, silently admiring him in the soft glow of the moon. He was still wearing the adorable yet ridiculous Robin costume and while Star would never admit it, she thought he looked enchanting.

She moved to flop down beside him and managed to bury the majority of his face in her ocean of blonde hair. "Oops, sorry," She tried her best to pry away her hair but accidentally grazed his face with her hand.

Star glanced at it in shock, feeling the heat of Marco's cheeks beneath her fingertips but being powerless to stop them as they rested there.

It was a rare occasion that allowed Marco to harmlessly explore her eyes without worrying about what she might think of him doing so.

She moved her hand abruptly as she turned to look up at the sky again as the first light of dawn emerged from the horizon, letting her arms fall on her stomach. "So, you don't... like Jackie anymore?"

Marco shook his head, keeping his gaze on her and murmuring a barely audible, "Not really, no," His gaze softened sadly as he nervously inquired, "I noticed you and Oskar were dancing together... Are you?"

"Nah," This time it was Star's turn to shake her head. She let out a breathy laugh, "He's a lot of fun, but... it just didn't feel quite right,"

"Right," Marco agreed, a smile falling back onto his face, "It's like, they make you happy but..."

"...You're not quite satisfied," Star finished, turning to beam at her best friend.


"For what it's worth," Star continued, sending a flirtatious smile in his direction, "Dancing with Oskar was nowhere near as fun as dancing with you," Between her smiles, a brief look of alarm flashed on her face, as though she didn't expect to say that out loud.

"Oh really?" Marco raised an eyebrow, relishing in newfound confidence.

Star chuckled, trying to pass off her revelation as a joke. It didn't take long for Marco to join in, setting them off on an endless cycle of laughter.

After the moment died down, they drew their gazes up at the sky. They sighed, half, in shortness of breath from the exertion of laughing, half, in awe.

"The stars are beautiful," Star stated with dewy eyes, reaching her hand up to fit around the moon.

"Yeah," Marco breathed, his gaze had never left her for a second. He cleared his throat, his eyes trailing along her arm to gaze at what she was looking at.

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