First day back. Yipiiieeee (And that my friends is the Spirit of SARCASM)

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Alright everybody i hope you still like it.

This chappiy will also have a little conersation between Heav and her oh-so-beloved mate (note the sarcasm)

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thanks guys

love DIMH



... In for a ride to Hell...


As soon as Andrew and I entered the building i heard how everybody unfroze and started to whisper about how my attidude changed or who "THAT guy" beside me was.

Well they're going to find out soon enough.

After we got our schedules Andrew and I decided we would get a coffee befor first lesson. So we walked outside to the coffee stand where one of my friends works.

When i saw Amy i squeled and so did she. We ran at eachother and hugged like we haven't seen the other one for at least a decade.

Her first words were:" Why hi there missy, why didn't you call me or anything. Oh well, lets talk later I've got so much to tell you. Well first there was...." I tuned her out because she could speak like a marathon runner. I lokked over at Andrew and saw him lokking at Amy like she was crazy. In our mind I said ~don't worry she is always like that. But she's also the only friend that cares enough for me.~ He looked sad at me and said~ I, too care for you and-~ i cut him off right here and said~ i know you do. She is my best friend and you are my twin. I will always love you more than her. remeber the CHAOS TWINS~ after that he looked at me and smiled happily.

"Oh sh*t girls i forgot something in my car i'm gonna get it really fast and then we will meet at the entrance." "okay"  both Amy and I said. I looked after him and could see from the corner of my eye, that Cayden and Rachel were makig thei way over here. ´Just show him how we changed and do not need him anymore´ Love said to me. I just smirked at her and thought that she was so right and soon he will know this, too.

Then Rachel decided to speak" Well well look who it is. I thought you finally had enough and killed yourself and left us alone when i didn't see you the past 3 months.

I saw that amy opened her mouth to say something I said "Well hello there Rachel it's good to see you too. I also see, that you haven't changed a bit I'm proud of you." When i said that she looked at me shocked and in her eyes there for a short moment was something like happiness very clear but it left very fast.

Before anybody could say anything Andrew came back and said while looking through his stuff "Come on my beuatifullies lest hed to class. I wanna see if I can find my my at this Colloge." Through his whole speech he didn't look up once. Amy and I just laughed at him and took our stuff and left with Andrew leaving a very stunned Rachel and Cayden standing right at the Spot we left them. All the way to class we heard people whisper things while staring at us. I could of cared any less.

As we took our seats Amy said something that made me and ANdrew look at her like we were on another planet. "Hey guys did you know that as soon as you left Cayden everyday to the coffe stand came and his coffe there got. Ad every friday he asked how you were doing and after I told him I didn't know anything he started to get worried, then mad, then sad and lastly he started saying mean things about you." After her telling us we ( Andrew and I) looked at eachother and starteds laughing like maniacs and at the same time said "We don't care." Amy looked at us weird bet didn't say anything else.

The day went by just like that. The three of us laughing and criying because of our laughter. What i did see throughout the day was Rachel looking at us sadly and filled with jelous in her eyes. I still do not know why thiugh. Cayden on teh other hand, well everytime i saw him looking at me he looked at me with pure hatred. I always hust shrugged it off and continoued having fun with An + Am as i call them as of now. Lol I'm a genius.

When a was at home I thoight of amy and i Hopes that she would find her Mate soon . Because everytime she hears someone say that words she gets a very sad look on her face, which makes us changed the subject really fast.

As i was thinking i herad something tapping at my window. I looek over and saw that it was little stones. I went over to the window and opened it. When i looked down i could barely see anything but when the person started speaking i knew exactly who it was. " Get your ugly fat ass down here immidiatly. We need to speak."

Yep, right it was Cayden. ´Just go down and talk to him. wouldn't hurt us anymore and you know why.´ Love said to me. ´But Love won't his wolf find out what we did?´ i asked her all flabbergasted. ´No silly. He can't hear or feel us or anything anymore because we took care of it too, remeber ?´ ´Right how could i forget that. you're a genius Love, thanks.´I know Heav. Now talk to him.´

With that beeing said i jumped out my window and stood in front of Cayden. "waht do you want Cayden. I don't have all night. Some people like moi like to sleep." I said while pointing at myself.

When i looked at him, he was angry. with one swift motion my back was against a tree with him holding me at my neck.

"where were you over the summer? Who was that British Dude with you all day? Why did you come back? I still don't want you as a Mate!"  He finished in one breath.

I looked at him like he was crazy. When he saw i wasn't gonna answer him he tightened his grip around my neck  and growled "Answer me you fat b*tch."

With a smug look i said "London, Non of your concern, because this is my home, we are not mates anymore." with that i forcefully pulled his hand off my neck and left him standing.

Just as i was about to climb through my window again he grabbed my arm and asked "what do you mean we aren't mates anymore?"

I grinned at him and said "I meant what i Said and if you play nice i might tell you some day."

He let me go and looked at me one last time before turning in his heels and leaving me there.

When I got to my room again and laid down on my bed while my eyes dropping from tiredness.

My last thoughts were * first day back. Yipiiieeee* And that my friends is the spirit of sarcas. before falling in to a deep sleep where i dreamt of a the very weird expression on Cayden's face before he left.


Please tell me what you think. Is this story good enough to keep it going or should I Stopp it?

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