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Hey everybody. I know I haven't uploaded in a long time. But honestly I am not going to tell you some bullsh**.

Truth is, I didn't know what to write but then two hours ago, I knew how I wanted this chapter to be.

We are getting closer to the truth of why Cayden rejected Heavenly.

And in the next chapter she will tell her parents about the rejection. And something with her brothers and her relationship will change...

For better or for worse? How should I know.

This was just a little spoiler.........:-P



Let the girls night begin.....JOY OH JOY


When I woke up I was blinded by the sun that seemed to somehow found his way through the curtains.

I wanted to move... but I couldn't because......

Caydens? Arm was wrapped around my waist tightly.

Ohhhhhh. Right. Last night came back to me as I looked at him sleeping peacefully.

And NO. nothing naughty happened between us. It's just........

Well you know what why don't you read yourself what happened last night.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LAST NIGHT<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

After we (meaning Rachel, Mia, Lauren and I) went to Rachels room, we started talking about silly things, just like what we wanted to become when we thought of our future as kids. Or how stupid we looked while wearing make-up for the first time. That was a real Nightmare. Wanna know why?

Cause there are pictures of it!!!!!!!!!

"OH NO. I will find those pictures and will burn them" I yelled at Mia, because I was looking like a crying Clown.

And what did she do? Exactly......................................................... she ran away.

"chasing is impossible now." Lauren said to me while coming near me slowly. I looked at her confused. All my attention on her so I didn't notice when Rachel was behind me. Only when Lauren started grinning like a person born for the asylym (?) I turned around but I was to late, because I was being tied to Rachel within 2 seconds flat. but I wasn't angry I was laughing my ass of by now.

The more time we spent together the more I got to know the girls. And they weren't bad at all.

And I really was just being judgemental. Have to stop doing that.

When we were talking about our teen crushes I had a feeling that someone was listening in on us.

And that someone on my guess was Cayden. A sly grin started to make its way on my face.

"Keep talking" I mouthed to them. They simply nodded and I closed my eyes and concentrated on my o so perfect Mate.

And yep he was listening in on us.

"it's Cayden" I mouthed towards them. The immediately understood and started grinning evilly.

"Sooooo, " Lauren started "who was your teen crush Heav?" she asked me all innocently. But in reality we all moved from sitting on the floor to sitting on the bed facing the door.

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