Finally the violins

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hey everybody i wanted to apologize for not uploading sooner but since i was in Turkey all summer i couldn't.

And now school is killing me. Sometimes I wonder why i even decided to make some highly advaced school.....

The i have been tryig to upload this chapter the past 2 and a half weeks.

Again I am so sorry and i promise you that the next chapte will be up by the weekend.

So enough of my rambling

ENJOY reading...

Lots of Hugs and Kisses,



Cayden looked at the floor and sighed sadly. Then he got up and turned away. He was about to leave this magical garden, when I grabbed his hand.

"Cayden, I...


"Cayden, I would like it very much to be your girlfriend." I told him blushing like crazy looking down. My head snapped up all of a sudden, when I heard a "YES!" coming from Cayden.

He was staning a few feet away from me doing some kind of crazy dance singing "YES, YES YES" over and over again.

I thought he looked cute and I couldn't help the chuckle that escaped my lips. He most of forgotten that I was there with him because he spun around quickly blushing redder than the reddest tomato you have ever seen but at the same time grinning like a five year old boy on a sugar high.

He was walking over to me slowly and his grin turned into a gorgeus smile. The moment he was standing in front of me his eyes flickered to my lips. He started to lean in but just befor our lips were touching he asked me somewhat shyly "Can I kiss you?" "Yeah" I answered breathless, because let's be honest I couldn't wait for him to kiss me.

And when he finally did, my eyes closed on their own accord. Though I didn't feel the usual tingling because of the spell but this kiss. Our very first kiss it was like the world all around us stopped and there was just the two of us.

And I swear, there were violins playing in the backround. It was magical.

In the far distance in my mind I could hear Love sigh in content and her saying something like ~ About damn time you crazy bitch~

I couldn't but break the kiss and start laughing at her out loud ~Only you could ruin such a beautiful moment by insulting me Love~ I told her in my mind chuckling.

When my chin was lifted up I came eye to eye with Caydens beautiful eyes. He looked at me questioningly "My wolf Love has finally started talking to me again" I told him happily. Caydens face broke out into a full blown grin only replying "Blaze did too" when my eyebrows raised slightly he must of figured out that I didn't know who this Blaze was so he just said "my Wolf." I nodded getting it. Of course Blaze would be his wolf when I just told him about mine.

Cayden looked at me intently before leaning in again to give me another kiss, when we were interrupted by his mom shouting at us "Would you two finally get your asses inside so we can start din-" she stopped right there because it was only just then when she saw what we were about to to.

A grin made it to her face a little flustered she said "Well, sorry for interrupting you two lovebirds I ... uh- well I will be uh- just going inside and uh- yeah well. She turned on her heels and hurried inside. My guess is that she is about to gush out to everyone what she just witnessed. And by looking at a horrified Cayden my guess was true. He took my hand gently in his and gave it a light squeeze "Come on let's ho inside before she starts jumping around screaming a hallelujah." I just couldn't help but to laugh at this.

As soon as we entered the dining room everyone got really quite and each one of these unfamiliar faces was staring at us happily. Cayden cleared his throat and told everyone "She said yes on being my girlfriend." before he even finished the sentence a loud course of finally and congrats were heard. But fanniest was from someone saying "no more Cayden crying at night" which made Cayden growl and had me very interested just then. I will make sure to ask about that later.

The only thing that I could do was smile at each and every single one in the room. Though I didn't know most of them they accepted me whole heartedly into their family.

When my sight landed on Caydens dad he had that look in his eyes as if to say "We'll talk later" so I gave him an almost invinsible smile but he saw and smiled at me nodding his head in approval.

During dinner I met the others that were there then. We were like 30 people but it wasn't even half the pack.

There was : Matt; 21 years old; best friends with Cayden; Mateless 

His parents are Carry and Mike (Betas)

Nate; 20 years old; Cayden's cousin; Natalies twin; 

His parents are Danielle and Daniel

Natalie; 20 years old; Cayden's cousin; Nate twin; 

Her parents are Danielle and Daniel

Soul; 19 years old; Cayden's friend; real name Leanna; 

Was thrown out of her old Pack because of the lies her 

Mate told about her; her parents don't want anything to 

Do with her

Noelle; 24 years old; Caydens's friend; her Mate die 

In a rouge attack; her parents are David and Mitch

Cara; 22 years old; Cayden's older sister; her Mate 

Is Marcus

Marcus; 23 years old; Cara's Mate; his parents are 

Lynn and Harold 

There were many more but these are the only ones I can remember.

I have to say, I love dinner with my parents and siblings but this, this was different. But a good different. In our pack only the Alpha family eats at the Pack house. But here everyone comes and goes as they please. You can eat here without having somewhat of an important status. It feels really cozy here.

At dinner we had so much fun, at the end I couldn't even sit straight. But I managed somehow. But tomorrow I think I will have some problems walking straight because of all the laughing I did. And it felt really good to laugh and forget about all the things that happened in the last few days.

Before Cayden and I went to bed we went to his dads office because he wanted to speak to us.

When we arrived at his door I got nervous. What if he wanted me gone by next week. Maybe he wants a different Mate for Cayden, maybe he wants-

My mind rambling didn't do any further because Cayden's dad who's name I learned is Adam opened the door for us to let us in.

"Take a seat guys. There are some things I wanted to talk to you about." he told us in a stern voice.

I gulped and opened my mouth but before I could even get out one word his dad put up his hand to stop me "For now I will be the only one talking. You can talk later. I wanted to talk to you about your Mating or not Mating if there is any way I can prevent it from happening bec-" this is all I heard since suddenly everything around me went black.

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