Telling Them - Part 2

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Hello everyone, sorry for not uploading my computer thought it is the one who decides when it wants to upload and now it finally works. Hallelujah!!!!!

THis is the first of the two last flashbacks.

I hope you like it.

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Love, D.



......I will have Drew right beside me.....


~Still Flashback~

Next morning

When Drew and I walked into the kitchen for breakfast everybody got quite and looked at us worriedly. I thought it was funny and looked over at Drew. His expression mirrored mine exactly. I looked back at the others and said " Guys everything is fine now you don't need to worry." "Alright, but during breakfast you'll tell us why you cried" Alec said while Ales nodded his approval.

As soon as he said that I became indomitable. Drew sensed it and put an arm around my shoulder, but he wasn't the only one because Emmy and Natalie told the twins to shut up.

When we were sitting at the table there was a knock on the door. I got up and opened it. When I saw who it was I was so happy I started squeling and hopping up and down like a maniac. "Ehem, sis instead of doing whatever this is, you could come here and give a hug to good old Max and Ryan" Max said while pointing at my hipping and squeling. "Max, Ry, what are you guys doing here?" I shouted and jumped into their open arms. "I missed you sooooo much." "We missed you, too." they said back to me. While they greeted everyone else, I walked back to the kitchen and and put two extra plates on the table.

A couple of minutes later the others (meaning Drew, Ales, Alec Emmy, Natalie, Max and Ryan) came in and sat down with me. Max and Ry told us everything that had happened while they wre gone. You see, Max will be next Alpha (he's 23) and Ry next Beta (he's 22) so they had to visit a lot of packs in the world to introduce themselves and earn their trust.

During Breakfast which was pretty funny as felt as happy as I haven't been in a while. That was until Ry said something which made me really sad. "Guys you won't believe it, but I've found my Mate. Her name is Tara and she'll come over later. She wanted to give us time alone, first." My happy mood changed to gloomy in less than a second. I stood up and told everyone at the table "I am really happy for you Ry. But if you would please excuse me I need to.... Yeah just go." They looked at me weird but right then I couldn't care any less. Drew looked at me understandingly with a look that said "We'll talk later".

Up in my room I laid on my bed and replayed the scene of the rejection in my head over and over and over again. I didn't even hear the door open or close. I only found out that someone was in here with me, when my tears that I didn't know I had were wiped away. I looked up to see a worried looking Drew. "Hey, you've been up here almost three hours now. Tara just got here. Let's go downstairs to greet her." he said while holding out his hand for me to take. After helping me up and cleaning my tearstained face we left the room to go downstairs.

We could here them talking and laughing downstairs. He had a sympathetic look in his eyes but said nothing. When we walked into the living room, there was a girl maybe 16 or 17 years old. She came bouncing over happily and introduced herself to us. "Hi I'm Tara I am 17. You must be Heavenly and Drew, it's really nice to meet you. Well now it is, because when I met my lovely Mate he just wouldn't stop talking about you. So I the doofus that I am thought you were his girlfriend which got me pretty mad. But when Ry told me you are his little sister all was forgiven and forgotten." she said to usall bubbly and hyper. That moment I couldn't help myself but to start laughing really hard. Everyone looked at me again. After I calmed down I said "Oh come on people. I think it's hilarious that Tara is all bubbly and bouncy, while Ry over there more of the quite ones. They will never have problems in that department." After realizing what I meant everyone started laughing with me. Ryan included.

The day passed like this, but after dinner when we were all sitting in the liven groom, the others got really quite while Max spoke up "Heav, the others told me what happened yesterday. Why did you react like this? Or better yet, what happened? For you to react like this." all of them looked at me. I felt myself stiffen. So did Drew. I looked at him. He smiled and nodded his head at me. I thought of his words last night and nodded back.

Drew took my hand giving it a squeeze, telling me he was right here.I took a deep breath and told them everything. When I was finished, I looked up at them. My brothers lokked angry with tears in their eyes while the girls were crying.

"Why didn't you tell us? I thought we are your brothers. We could've killed him. Or don't you trust us enough?" all my brothers but Drew asked angrily. Before I could answer the girls stood up and screamed at their Mates "Are you blind or dumb or something. Or maybe even braindead? Look at your sister. Look at how broken she is. She didn't want your pitty, or being treated like something easy breakable. She loves you so guys so so much, or tu upset you so she played happy for all of your, all of our sakes." at the and of their screaming my brothers wre crying too with their Mates in their arme, while Drew was holding me. After we all calmed down Max asked me if this was true. I couldn't say anything so a looked down ashamed and nodded my head saying yes, with tears still coming out of my eyes. Drew hugged me tighter than before. And before I knew it, all the boys and girls came over and hugged me, too.

"I know you probably don't want to hear it but we will make him pay!" Nat said with an evil glint in her beautiful eyes. "No. No, I don't want that, I also don't want him hurt. I'm not crying because I love him... oh who am I kidding of course I love him. I just don't want to feel this pain anymore. I want to be able to look at him with no feelings at all, like we don't know each other. That's all." I told them. "We would help you if we could but I don't know if it's even possible to break a Matebond."

All my hope started to leave me when Tara spoke up. "Well-"

~Flashback over~

"Hey, Heav, you ready I need to take a shower, too." Drew yelled at me from outside the door bringing me out of my thoughts. I turned the shower off and got out. "five more minutes" I called back at him. I heared him grunting and walking away.

>>>>>>>>Fast forward to University<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

When we got out of the car (Max, too came with us today) towards Amy. I could see Cayden standing there with Rachel. But again I couldn't feel anything which brought a small smile to my face.

When we reached Amy Cayden looked at me with a looked that showed something I couldn't figure out. I shrugged to myself and looked over at Drew whos eyes were in his bag looking for moneyi guess. When Cayden and Rachel left Max glared at Cayden's back with a monstrous glare. To get him out of his probably killing thought I spoke to him "Hey Maxxy Amy and Amy meet my oldest brother Max." when they looked into each others eyes they stiffend and smiled at each other lovingly.

I looked at Drew and he nodded towards the building. I gave a curt nod and we made our way to the schools entrance. Right before entering we turned back to Max and Amy to see Max hugging Amy tight as if telling her, that he will never let her go now that he's met her.

When we turned back to the doors Drew and I looked at and said only one word with our twin perfected eye-roll and a huge smile on our faces. Opening the doors.



I hope you like it. Only one mor flashback to come, but later in the story. Tell me what you think.

I already have a Mate for Drew in mind. Can you guess who? Or how he will react?

What look did Cayden have in his eyes when he looked at Heav?

Wanna know? Keep reading :-P

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