Cayden I... / What have I done?

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Hello people. I am so so so so so so that I haven't uploaded for a while. I just didn't know where to go anymore. But I have it finally figured out.

I hope you like this chapter and tell me what you think.

Thanks, D.


I don't know why I kissed him in the first place, but I must say it feels really good.

I gasped when Cayden lightly bit my bootom lip. At that moment his tongue came into the game. I had to bite back a moan. Cayden could feel it, too but didn't say anything.

We explored each others mouths swapping saliva. This went on until we broke apart when we heard our names being called.

Heav, Cayden. Dinner's ready. Get in here, the others are waiting for you.

When I looked back at Cayden he had a silly smile on his face. I snapped my fingers in front of him. It broke him out of his daze.

"Cayden, we have to go to dinner." I said while getting up. But Cayden didn't move.

"Cayden?" I asked. Suddenly he shot up. Holding up one finger as if to say one second.

He ran behind a bush crouched down and began looking for something, while I just stood there looking out of place.

A couple of minutes later he got up and came back to me with something behind his back.

"Cayden?", I asked him again "what's wrong you seem kinda out of it?"

"Well Heav I want to ask you something so bad but I am scared of your reaction." he admitted sheepishly.

"Well", I sounded urgent "tell me. I bet your mom will be storming over here soon because we're still not inside."

He looked at me for a couple of seconds before taking a big breath and got on one knee.


He chuckled "No I am not proposing. Not yet anyway. What I want to ask you is different but the same. You know like... well like... oh you know what I mean." I looked at him and couldn't stop the giggle that escaped my mouth, which it seems gave Cayden new courage.

He took another big breath and started again. "I want us to get to know each other better. I mean I know everything about you already from what I have learned. But I didn't get to know you all that good- "

Before he could continue I interrupted him "What do you mean exactly?"

He took another big breath. Again.

" I want us to get to know each other really well. I want to fall in love with you not because of our Mate bond, but because we love each other without it. And I also want that to be as boyfriend and girlfriend."

I stared at him. I wanted to say something but as soon as I opened my mouth nothing came out.

You could see that Cayden got more nervous each passing second. It seemed that all the birds that were chirping before were now quite, too as if the were waiting for my answer, too. And me? Well I still looked like a fish searching for water.

Cayden looked at the floor and sighed sadly. Then he got up and turned away. He was about to leave this magical garden, when I grabbed his hand.

"Cayden, I...

>>>>>>>>>> meanwhile at her parents' house<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Drew POV:

When we saw Heav drive out of the driveway we were stunned. I didn't think that we had hurt here that bad.

All of us were still in shock when we heard the door slam shut. This caused us all to get out of the daze we were in.

None of us said anything, so we walked into the house. When we got to the living room our parents were sitting there already. They only looked up once. And the only thing we could see in there eyes was pure and utter disapointment.

"Get out of my sight", my dad told us in a low and raspy voice. It sounded as if he had been crying. But I am not so sure though.

I wanted to go over to them and ask them what was wrong but Alec held me back and nodded his head towards the stairs.

I turned to looked at the others and they all shrugged. I sighed and together we started walking up the stairs into the movie room.

When we got there it was really quite. So we just sat on the couches and I stared into nothing. We didn't talk to each other at all. I think we needed to just comprehend things.

I don't know how long we sat there until we were called down for dinner. This got us all out of our little world.

When we entered the kitchen, there was a plate missing. Heavenly's plate.

"Mom", I asked her "where is Heav's plate is she having dinner later or is she eating out?"

My mom just ignored me but I could see her lower lip trembling. And just like that the atmosphere gut from nothing into sad.

"It's your fault. Each and every one of yours. She left so you could live happily without her." my mom started sobbing.

I looked at my brothers and sisters-in-law, but they just shrugged confused.

"What do you mean mom? Dad?" Max asked our parents.

My dad just snorted "like you don't know. This is what you wanted, isn't it? Your little sister gone. She moved out and in with her mate-"

I interrupted him by screaming "what do you mean by moving in with her mate? Do you even know what he did to her?" I was outraged.

"Don't yell at your Dad.", my mom shot up from her chair " of course we know. But didn't you think he could have a reason. But what you did was worse way worse. I mean first Amy- her best friend- hurts her by not sticking with her but her Mate that she only met not so long ago, instead of the friend she had with her her whole life. I am so disappointed in you guys."

She inhaled sharply before strating again "And Drew do you really think that your sister wouldn't want you to be with your Mate because of how your Mate behaved before. She would've been with you all the way no matter what. But no you just had to reject your Mate and make your little sister, TWIN sister responsible for it."

My mom chocked on a sob, while my dad tried soothing her.

"Let's go love." my dad said to my mom in a loving voice.

My mom just nodded and didn't answer.

We looked down on our plates and I could feel that anybody here felt as bad as I did.

"Oh and boys," my mom said from the door. We all looked at her "I am so, so ashamed of you right now. And that wont change until you realize your mistake."

She turned around again and left with my dad on her heels.

In that moment I felt a lot of things such as empty. Self shame. Sadness. Pride for my sister.

But most of all I felt numb...

The only thing I could say or ask whatever you want to call it was

"What have I done?"


Okay just a little A/N :

I just wanted to say that I will upload this story again in mid September because I will be in Turkey the whole summer.

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