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Well, HELLO there again,

I hope that this chapter satisfies you better than the last one(s)?

Tell me what you think.

Thanks, D.



Let's see who will cry by the and of the day dear twin brother.


Before I could get even nearer to my siblings,m Rachel grabbed my arm and brought me to a stop.

I turned to her and looked at her puzzled. With a sigh she told me "Come on, Heav. What do you want to do? Bit him til he cries?! don't ruin what you have with him because of me. It's not worth it. I am not worth it." she whispered the last part. But mostly to herself.

I stared at her in disbeliev. "No, you don't understand Rach! He knows what I went through but still does the same to you!!!! And I wanna know why they are ignoring me! I said while holding in my angry tears.

We stood there until the bell rang. Slowly we made our way to classes. When we reached them, and went inside. That the seat where I normally stood was now gone and replaced by .... a plant?

Really now people? Nothing better in your brains?! Rachel saw and dragged me over to where she usually sits. Her friends gave me reeeeaaaallllyyyyyy weird looks but said nothing. Rachel just mouthed them a later. With a nod they and also we turned our attention back to the professor.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>at home<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Sitting in my room. I was wondering what had happened today. First my brothers plus their Mates ignoring me.

Then me and Rachel becoming somewhat friends. Her friends actually being nice once you get to know them.

But the worst and most hurtful part was still how I was ignored by my own family.

....................No. I will not be treated like that by them I am not some ball they can throw around whenever they want.

Angrily I threw my door open and stomped downstarirs where they were sitting and chatting happily to each other.

As soon as I walked in they stopped. Looked at me not even for a second and started to get up, so they could leave the room. But before they could exit the door I stood in front of it.

"Move" Max growled at me, not even looking at me.

"NO. Not until you tell me why all of you have been ignoring me. Why I suddenly am air to you guys." I started sobbing quietly.

"Because." They all shouted at the same time.

"because is not an answer" I shot back angrily.

"Because of you, Drew will never be happy. You destroyed it all for him. If you wouldn't of gotten rejected, then he could be happy with his Mate now." Ryan screamed at me.

I couldn't even move. I couldn't open my mouth. I didn't know what do say or do. I just stood there looking like I just got punched by my very own family.

When they saw, I wouldn't say anything back, they shoved me to the side and walked out of the room.

Without thinking I ran out of the room. Out of the house. Out of our street. And into the forest. I don't know haw long I've been running, but when I came to a stop I was standing in front of the other packs Packhouse.

Again I started to walk. I thought I was walking away from the house, but soon I realized I was walking towards it.

Before I could knock, the door was yanked open with a very surprised Cayden standing there. No, I very surpsied no shirt wearing Cayden standing there.

When he saw that I have been crying he got pissed but took me into his arms. I sobbed into his very muscular chest for what seemed like hours.

"Heav?" I turned around to see Rachel and two of her Friends standing there looking shocked. "What are you doing here?" Mia, one of them asked me.

Rachel and Loren nodded their head as if asking the same questions.

"They don't know?" I asked Cayden.

"Of course they know. They knew from minute one that I knew you were my Mate." he replied looking proud for some unknown reson.

"Sooo, Heavenly might wanna tell us why you're here? Not that we don't want you here though..." Rachel said

I took a deep breath but I started choking on it. New tears formed in ny eyes.

"It's all my fault. If I hadn't been rejected Drew could now be happy with his Mate. You. So I am soory, that I ruined everything for you. I thought about it and they are right. So I will move out, maybe to another city or something so you two can be happy." after saying this, I started to cry again.

All the girls came running to me and engulfed me intoma big hug. Suddenly Cayden screamed so loud, I think even people in Chine could hear him clearly

"They did what?!" and while screaming he started to shake violently.

I don't know what possed me to do it so I went over to him and wrapped my arms around my shaking Mate. It took a while but he calmed down after or better yet while breathing in my scent. I found it comfortable.

When he calmed down. Finally. I wanted to step away from him his hold on me just got tighter and he growled. So with a sigh I stayed right were I was. In My Mates arm. Let me tell you this feeling is just WOW.

From the corner of my eyes I could see the three girls grinning like crazy people. Rachels face though got serious again.

"Heav it wasn't your fault. It was his own. Nobody told him to reject me. He decided that himself. You are my friend now. And as your friend I have to tell you that right now you look like hell." her and the girls began to laugh after this. Which only made Cayden growl at them.

That was it. Now I, too started laughing "Oh,come on Cayden. I proabla do look like he-" I didn't come to far in that sentence, because he interrupted me groling out his words.

"NO! you look like an Angel. An angel sent from Heaven. You are and look perfect." I stared at him in disbeliev. HE rejected me, but now says those things. Something definitely is wrong with him.

I couldn't answer him though because the girls started to drag me away from him. "You can see Loverboy later. Because now it's time for a girls night."

I looked at Cayden with fear, but he only chuckled at me.

"HELP!" I yelled. Nobody came to my rescue. "HEEEEELLLPPPP!" I screamed again. Now that, had sent Cayden to the floor laughing like a horse. Imagin that. LOL

He looked up at me and said. "Tomorrow we will talk about everything. But for tonight go and have fun" still laughing at my helpfulness like a maniac.

Let's see how long it takes for me to start a war with these....theses...these...urghhhh. You know what I mean.

Let the girls night begin


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