Telling Them - Part 1

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Hello my loves, I hope you’re all happy and healthy!

Sorry for not uploading earlier but life has been a little let’s just say rough.


I hope you like this chapter. It is dedicated to all my readers, voters, commenters and Fans. I really appreciate you liking my story. This is the reason why I keep writing it.

Tell me what you think.

Love, D.





...Cayden's face before he left....






When I stepped into the shower after waking up i remembered how my brothers (all 5 of them by the way) and there mates reacted when i told them about my rejection.



OK. So what do i do now? i asked myself or so I thought because Drew said with a shaking voice "Well how about what I told to and tell me what happend."

Before I could object Love started to speak to me´Heav. Tell him. He deserves to know´ ´But Love he will hurt Cayden. Though i really don't like him right now, i don't want him hurt.´

For a minute she was beeing quite, than with a sigh she spoke to me ´But look at Drew. Just look at how he is hurting from seeing you like this. He loves you so much. He will not hurt Cayden because he knows at some point he would hurt you too.´ When she said that i looked at Drew. Love was right. He looked so sad and pained. Sad because i didn't what happend, yet and pained because he knew that he couldn't help me from my sort of pain. Also his eyes started to water slightly. That's when i knew, whatever happens to or with Cayden doesn't matter as long as i have my Dewyy (my Childhood name for him) standing by my side.

So after clearing my throat a couple of times, i started to tell him in a soft voice who had happend.

When i toll him how i was bullied all the time i could see the anger in his Eyes. When i told him how Cayden reacted he started shaking until i rubbed my tumb in a soothing manner across his hand. When i toll him how i played the role of the happy daughter infront of mom and dad so the wouldn’t see my pain. At the his eyes got confused.

After telling him everything I still saw all the emotions in his eyes. There was the anger, the pain and the confuseness. But the anger was the stongest of those emotions besides the pain.

When he just stared at me I asked him “Drew what’s wrong?” At my question he started to shake again. I got up with tears in my eyes and walked towards the door. Before I opened it I turned a little to look at him. He was still staring at the now empty space that I was sitting in just moments ago, shaking hard. “I’m sorry you hate me now” was all I said before I turned back towards the door and ran from the room with tears now running down my cheeks. As I ran, I ran across my brothers Ales and Alec and their Mates Emmy (Alec’s Mate) and Natalie(Ales’ Mate). They all shouted after me to stop and talk to them. But with Drew hating me I couldn’t so I just started tu run faster.

I didn’t know where I ran so I just kept going until I found some sort of lake. It looked beautiful.

After hours of crying there were no more tears left. Because of all the crying I got tired. I was even too tired to find my way back home so I just stayed where I was and fell asleep.

When I woke up, I slightly opened my eyes to see that I was in my room again with Drew laying beside me, which brought tears to my eyes, yet again. Like feeling my eyes on mee he opened his and gave me a weak and sad smile. But when he saw that I was about to cry again, he hugged me really hard and started to explain his previous emotions towards me. “Heav, I could never hate you. I don’t know how you could ever consider thinking that.” I looked at him and replied “Well you had so much anger in your eyes I just guessed that it was directed towards me.” He some sort of snorted and some sort of sobbed at the same time which makes a really hilarious sound. “No I was angry at that f***ing mate of yours because he rejected you. I hate HIM for that and not you. I was pained, because you didn’t call me right after it happened. I got confused for you not telling mom and dad. But most of my anger was towards myself because I wasn’t there when you were bullied. Because I wasn’t there when he did that to you. Because I wasn’t there when you needed me the most. I was so selfish to let you stay in the Staates all by yourself, just so I could go to and all boy elite university. Of course you had mom and dad, but that’s not the same.”

He finished with tears in his eyes now, too. I hugged him with all I had, we cried with each other until I remembered something “Why did you actually got to an all boy university? Is your mate there or something?” I asked him with an excited grin on my face.

He smiled a cheeky and embarrassed smile now. “No I didn’t find my Mate yet. Nor do I want to.” I looked at him shocked. After all I told him today he could say something like that. He saw my reaction and explained quickly. “No. I wouldn’t reject my Mate. Ever!” “So why don’t you want to find your Mate then?” Well,….. I …I …. didn’t want to lose you due to finding my mate so I left.” “Why lose me?” I asked him confused. “I thought that if I found my Mate I couldn’t spend so much tie with you anymore and- “ “No, I would be so happy for you and though we would spend less time together it would be even more special than before.” I cut him off. “I’m sorry. I will look for my Mate then, because I’ve already decided that I will go back home with you.”

When he said that I couldn’t be happier. My big twin brother was coming home. But soon my smile faded and I asked him “What about Ales and Alec?” “Let’s talk to them tomorrow, and sleep now. But we also need to tell them the truth about what happened.” I looked at him in utter horror about to fight against his decision when he spoke “they will be hurt, that you didn’t tell them and played the happy little sister. But they love you and I promise they will understand your actions.” “OK. But tomorrow, I’m tired again. Goodnight Dewyy, love you.” He smiled and said ”Goddnight, love you too, Heanly (his Childhood name for me).

With him saying this and before falling asleep a asked myself what tomorrow will bring and how the rest of my brothers and sisters - in - law will react.


But I know, that whatever happens I will have Drew right beside me.








I know you probably expected more of Heav and Cayden. But these flashbacks are really important for the story like her saying that they aren’t Mates anymore.

Bare with me, please.

Till the next chapter

Hadi Tschüss

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