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Avia {June 15th}

I grab my last box and set it in the truck. I definitely don't want to move. Gavin was sad at first to leave but got excited, Daxton's only five so he doesn't understand and Brock doesn't really care because he's eight.

I walk in the almost completely empty house and sit on the floor against the wall. I do not want to leave. Mom smiles at me as she carries a box outside. I don't look at her in the eyes. I close my eyes.


I wake up in dad's truck. I rub my eyes and groan.

"Morning sunshine were almost there." Dad laughs. I groan. He smiles. I sit up. I check my watch: 2:57

I sigh and check my iPod. Mom and dad won't get me a phone until I'm thirteen, which sucks.

"Hey Avia." Gavin says from th back. I wave tiredly and plug in my headphones to block out the world.


We arrive the house. It's amazing. Dad pulls into the two door garage. I hop out and mom's car pulls up. The truck with our stuff is coming soon.

"Can I go first?" I ask excitedly.

"Why not. You seem happy for a sad camper a few hours ago." Mom comments as she gets out. Everyone else came up the steps. I opened the door and grinned. It was big!

"Mom! Can I pick my room!" I plead. She laughs.

"Hold on let's go look at all the rooms and than you guys can decide." She says. We nod and follow her. Mom takes us to the first room and the next and her room.

"How many rooms are downstairs?" I ask.

"Two." She replies.

"I call downstairs!" Gavin, Brock and I yell.

"No way José! I'm getting a room downstairs!" Brock shouts.

"Let's see, three kids two rooms. Dax, which do you want?" She asks. He points to the first room.

"That one!" He shouts..

"Okay bud, go ahead." Dad smiles. He cheers and runs to his new room. Now the threw oldest stay.

"Please I want a room downstairs!" Brock begs.

"I'm oldest!" Gavin says.

"Please daddy! Please mommy! Can I pretty please have a downstairs room." Dad and mom look at eachother and sigh.

"Listen Princess--"

"Please!" I beg.

"I think It'd be nice to have you upstairs with us baby." Mom says, dad agrees. I moan.

"I just want to be alone and have a little bit of independence for once. Just once." I say. Mom sighs.

"Okay Avia, you get one room downstairs." Mom agrees. I grin and head downstairs.

"Wait! Hold Avia." Dad says. I sigh and walk back up.

"I call the other one!"Gavin says.

"No, I want it." Brock says. Mom thinks and than leans in Brock's ear and whispers something. Whatever she said make him scrunch his face up and shiver.

"Okay, you can have it." He says, turning to the other room. I raise an eyebrow but shrug it off as Gavin and I run downstairs.

Next Day Later...

"I'm booored!" I moan from the couch.

"Go exploring Av!" Dad calls. I smile at the thought of going on my own. "But take Gavin with you and be extra careful princess!"He adds. I groan and get myself up.

I out on my shoes and Gavin follows me outside. Aunt Kayli and them are just down the path, but we've already been there.

"Where should we go Avs?" Gavin asks. I shrug.

"I don know." I answer. "Let's go to the woods." I suggest.

"Sure, why not." We get off the concrete path and go down the road.

"Does mom and dad ever get annoying?" He ask suddenly. I sigh.

"Definitely! Ugh! They jeep babying me like I'm six! I'm twelve! Twelve!" I exclaim.

"You know why though, right?" He asks. I nod.

"Yea. I just wished they would realize it happens and you can't keep holding on for so long!" I say. Gavin nods.

"I agree Av. You should tell them." He says.

"Me? No. Can you Gavin?" I plead.

"Avia this is your battle and you have to fight it." He says, hopping over fallen branches. I try to jump but trip. He chuckles and lends me a hand.

"Yea, you should probably get to that talking princess." He grins at me. I roll my eyes and laugh. I playfully punch his arm as we continue through the woods.

 I playfully punch his arm as we continue through the woods

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