Movin' On|third person

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"Oh my gosh! You're so crazy, get off me Cealia!" Emmi shrieks, playfully pushing the curl with red bouncy curls off of her. The girls both giggle. Emmi stands and then attacks her friend aswell. Cealia shrieks and tickles her.

"Girls! Settle down!" A voice says. The girls go silent, but not for long. They start laughing again. Emmi rolls herself off the bed and stands with her hands on her hips. The girl stands aswell and sticks her tongue out. Emmi laughs and rolls her eyes.

"C'mon jelly fish, let's go eat lunch." I say, walking for the door.

"Hey! I am not a jelly fish!" Cealia shouts, stomping over. Emmi snorts and laughs once more.

"Your arms look like em." Emmi comments before zipping down the stairs as fast as she can go. Cealia's mouth drops open and she takes off down the hall for her friend. Emmi nearly trips bit catches herself as she runs into the kitchen. Eve points to the sandwhiches on the table. I take a ham and cheese and set it on a paper plate. Cealia comes after me and takes one aswell. We sit down at the table with a cup of juice with the other girls and talk.

"I'm so glad I have you. I have no idea where I'd be right now without you- probably with a broken arm." Cealia laughs, brining into her lunch. I laugh too, thinking about my mother, Jonathon and Avia. Two out of three, you take a wold guess, I miss so much. Avia has visited a few times this past month, but it's been empty without her. In the short time she became mt gauradian angel on earth. Once again, mother tried pushing for me. Thank the Lord she lost her case. There did an investigation and found too much evidence to send me back to that horrid place. I still have a broken arm, but Eve says I don't seem like it. I run sound likes it's never there. Cealia acts like it's not there, and that's how I prefer it. Here, we're all the same. Similar situations and similar futures. There has been a few times where I've started crying and therapy, but there's always some there right on the ground with me. You're never alone, and for once this this small hope I'll be okay in end.
The worst effect has been my nightmares. Sometimes I'll wake up in the middle of night yelling and screaming from a terrifying nightmare of Bree smacking me and hitting me. Her loud voice and the sound of glass shattering still bitter and fresh in my mind.

"I'm sorry I brought up the topic.." Cealia mumbles, seeing my face drop. I smile at her.

"It's fine, I mean we all gotta deal with it at some point." I say. She nods and smiles.

We finish eating and throw our trash. I go with Cealia and the other girls to watch a movie in the gathering room. Us two plop down on one beanbag together comfortably. Cealia shifts so her head is on my shoulder and one if her legs is over mine. I smile, knowing everything felt okay with her around.

Home was chosen as the movie, which kinda made me a little upset seeing the end where the girl returned back to her mother. It only reminded me later I have to see my mother face to face. Although she lost custody of me, they gave her the right to see me once a week despite my constant fights to get the farthest away from her. I tried showing them all the bruises and all the scare on my back, legs and arms, but they didn't pay attention.

We settle down and everyone goes quiet as the movie begins. I put one of my arms behind Cealia and lay it on her shoulder. She looks to me and smiles which I return. She returns back to her comfy position to watch the screen. Cealia became one of the few people that were able to hug me and such since I became sensitive to everyone else's touch. I've had very vivid nightmares of my mother hitting me a few times which resulted in me waking up in sobs with her at my side while of the girls went off to get one of our caretakers.

The girls there knew I was sensitive and delt with anxiety, so they often only smiled at me, worried to even come close. But I preferred it. I had Cealia, and that's all I needed.

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