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I opened my eyes to see Avia amd her family. They came? Since dad's died no one has been there for me. Expect for Grandma of course, but she died years ago.

I notice a blue cast over my arm. My ankle is wrapped aswell.

"Hey." Avia says slowly, noticing I'm awake.

"Oh my god. She's alright." Her mom sighs. I look around as her family looks awkwardly at their surroundings.

"Why are you guys here?" I ask suddenly, breaking the silence. Shay and Colette tilt their heads.

"What do you mean?" Shay asks.

"I mean, why do you care? Not in a rude way, but all my life there's only been one person whose actually cared about me. She's gone now, but you don't even know me." I explain. They give me sad looks.

"It doesn't matter. You help if you can help. How can no one not care about you?" Shay asks. I shrug as I look to the side.

"I don't know. It doesn't matter," I sigh, and pick at my IV, "Whats going to happen to my mom?" I ask.

"We don't know yet." Colette looks at me, "What did she do to you?" She asks. I bite my lip, not wanting to say what she did.

"Emmi, you have to tell us or we can't help you." Gavin say. I look at my hands.

"Do you want to go back?" Shay asks. I shake my head.

"No. Never. She's a devil." I reply.

"Why?" Avia asks. "We won't judge you. You have to tell us." She says it more softly.

"My dad died when I was little. From than on she was an alcoholic. She smoked and left everything to do on my shoulders. From cleaning to cooking. And she-she." I pause as salty tears fall down my face.

"It's okay. We're right here." Colette says. I start crying. I never cry. She walks over and gently pulls me in a hug.

This is what it's like to have a loving mom. This is all I ever wanted. But I know it won't last.

"She would hurt me. Yell at me and swear." I finally finish as I calm down. "That's the truth."

And it is. As soon as it left my mouth, I immediately regreted letting her do those things to me growing up.

People say the truth hurts.

And it does.

So, so, so much.

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