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I left Avia screaming for me.

Her crys hurt me.

I know what it's like to lose someone.

But, I need to leave.

I can't stay here.

Jonathan needs me.

It's been eight years and I have no idea where he is.

They took him, but not me.

I don't understand.

They tried to save me.

But mom--

Bree won.

Custody of a daughter she doesn't love.

They thought I could handle it.

I can't.

I can't.

I can't.

I'm only twelve.

No matter how skilled I am, the pain will



Maybe he's better off without me.

No one seems to notice.

No one seems to care.

Expect her family.

Avia's family.

They cared.

They cared.

And I left.

I know how much it's hurting her.

I know how much the pain is hurting.

I know how she feels.

I know the misery.

I know the feeling.

Waiting for that one person to come home.

That one person who lights up your days.

That one person you live for.

Amd they don't show.

The expression of pain on your mother's face.

Her sadness.

The words flowed out of her mouth.

"Emmi, daddy isn't coming back."

I was small, miniscule.

But I understood.

Daddy wasn't going to read me bedtime stories.

He wasn't going to tickle me.

Or kiss me goodnight.

Or ever see me again.

I knew mommy was sad.

I held up my misery.

I moved on.

I had to.

Bree didn't care.




That's all she cared about.

Not me.

Oh my misery.

Oh my pain.

I had a chance.

I blew it.

But, what else can you do when you feel you're done?

What's the point of living when barely anyone cares about you?

What's the point of existing when nobody in this world is going to miss you?

That's exactly what I thought when I stood with a blade in my hand.

I love you Johnny.

Don't forget me.

But, it's too late.

I'm already gone.

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