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Everyone hurts. Everyone. But in my life, I've never known someone in so much pain like Emmi. I don't undertake why someone so pure and yet scarred doesn't tell anyone. Why no one asks about the bruises on her arms and legs.


Somtimes I don't understand why things happen and how they come to be.

Like how me and Emmi met.

We couldn't have moved.

We could've had another house.

We could've gone another route.

But we ended up meeting.


I awake from my uncomfortable position in the hospital chair. Supposedly social services are coming today since Emmi's getting released. News, is her mother is in jail, she will going to court soon.

I stretch my arms. Emmi is fully dressed, standing up with her hair in a ponytail.

"Hey. Where are you going?" I ask suddenly. She jumps.

"I'll be right back--"

"You won't. I know you won't. What's wrong?" I ask, getting worried.

"N-n-nothing." Emmi's stutters, walking toward the door. I get up.

"Wait," I pause and look at her scared eyes, "You can't go--"

"I have to okay! I can't do social services. They've tried before and, and they took Jonathan away! I can't do this! I can't live anymore! I'm just done Avia!" She says exclaims. Mom wakes up aswell as everyone else. She immediately senses what's going on.

"It's okay--"

"No! No! It's not! You don't understand. You don't understand the pain I wake up with. The pain I go to sleep with. You just don't!" She takes a shaky breath. "And you never will."

With that, she bolted out the door. I watch the flash of pink from her cast leave. I run out the door.

"EMMI!" I scream. She means so much to me now. She's my sister now. I try running after her, but mom grabs my hand and pulls me in a hug.

"It's okay. Dad has it. This isn't about you, don't worry." I cry into her sweater. Mom rubs my back.

But one question sticks in my mind,

Who is Jonathan?

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