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The next few weeks I've been practicing on my voice since the talent show.

I got yelled at by my "mom" who said I was being too loud, yet her shouting and bottle smashing is louder. My mom got a tattoo of a heart with an arrow, which stands for what I don't know and most likely will never know. Maybe it represents how many hearts she's killed...

It was so much mon met and now she used up all her cash and all I have left for food. I have every single sent I've ever owned or found is saved up in a jar tucked away safely where mom won't get to it. She's finding all the money she can to buy more alcohol, which sucks butt. I've saved up four hundred, from money I've saved, some from my dad's money I've manages to snag from mom's wallet, birthday from my grandma, money I've found and earned. I will not spend it as long as I can

For now I'll probably head to the local soup kitchen. I walk downstairs with my usual backpack.

"Mom I'm leaving." I say, peeking in her dirty room.

"Fine whatever. Just get out of here, daughter." She glares at me, smashing an empty glass on the ground. I flinch. She's on one of her mood swings.

"Okay sorry." I say quietly leaving. Hey she acknowledged she has daugter, what more can I ask for.

I exit the house and walk down the road. I'm wearing old ripped up Jean shorts, a blue tank top I found at Goodwill for a dollar (score!), my plaid shirt around my waist from my grandma before she past and my cheap two dollar shoes from Wallgreens. Gotta do what you gotta do.

I adjust my bag and sprint in the woods. I jump over the usally fallen trees and such. I walk around until I hear a cry.

Confused but worried, I listen to it and follow the sound. I find two kids, one girl around my age it looks like and older boy. I run over.

"Hey you okay?" I ask the girl on the ground. She jumps.

"Oh what? She just hurt herself good." The boy says. He points to her knee. I bend down and check it out. It's a pretty good wound.

"Hold I've got a cold water bottle in my bag." I say, digging it out. I give it to the girl who gratefully takes it and sets it on her knee. I also give her a few band aids in my backpack.

"So who are you?" The boys asks.

"Oh Emmi, sorry I forgot. I say smiling.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Gavin and this is Avia." He introduces. I nod.

"Nice. So do you guys live near?" I ask.

"Oh yea, about a mile that way." He points.

"Oh cool, I'm a littler further behind me." I say. He nods.

"You okay Avia?" He asks as she stand up. She nods.

"A-Okay!" She grins and brushes dirt off. "So anyway Emmi---Wow! Dude you have muscles!" She exclaims.

"Avia!" Gavin exclaims, hitting her arm. I laugh.

"It's fine. I spend most of my time outside climbing, running, walking etc." I explain.

"Oh. Cool! How old are you, I'm twelve." Avia says. "He's thirteen."

"Twelve." I say. She smiles. "Hey wanna climb?" She asks. I nod and smile.


"Avs, would mom and dad like that?" Gavin asks. Avia shrugs.

"Screw mom and dad right now! Let's climb."Avia exclaims. Gavin shrugs.

"Hey I know a really good tree, C'mon." I say. I start walking to my tree which isn't but a few yards away.

I run to it and wait for Avia and Gavin. They catch up. I point to it.

"This is it. I've been climbing this since as long as I can remember."I say.

"This is huge!" Gavin says.

"How far can you go?" Avia asks.

"Watch." I say, grabbing a brach, tossing my backpack down. I pull myself up and up until Avia and Gavin look small.

I sit on my usual branch.
"I can go further, but you guys can come." I say, wondering if this is what friends are like.

But than I realize. I'm Emmi Laurie Elton, daughter of Breela Kathryn Elton, aka a alcoholic smoker. No one wants to hang out with a kid like me. For all I know they could be faking and part of Samantha's gang. No one wants to hang out with a girl who smells like smoke/alcohol, wears old clothes and is nerdy. I sigh and climb down.

"I have to go, sorry." I say. Avia looks confused.

"You sure?"Gavin asks. I nod. "Well see you around Emmi?"

"Elton." I say quietly. "Bye." I walk off.

I walk a while before turning around to see them gone. I sigh.

Will anything be okay?

Will anything be okay?

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