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That night the police toke me back "home". I had sat in the car awhile, trying to find the courage to go in. They told me I could collect my things , but I didn't want to. But I had to. I needed to grab what was left of dad. A nice police officer bent down to my level and offered to hold my hand while I went in, which I had accepted quickly. He let me slip my hand in is, smiling gently. I walked on the dirt up to the raggid house. I noticed how the blue painting was chipping profoundly. Once I walked in, all I could see was trash. Trash, trash, trash. Broken bottles of beer and different alcoholic beverages all over the ground. Broken furniture torn apart and thrown all over the room. I let go of the officer's hand slowly and headed towards my room. I pushed open the door. It was just like I left it.

Gulping, I grab my purple duffel bag that was stored in my closet and look around. Some memories I wanted to leave behind. Some I needed to stay. I grab my bear, Morri. And the quilt my grandmother had made me. I also grabbed my jewelry chest, diary, and dad's old sweater. I looked around the room, taking pictures and holding them firmly in my arms. The last thing I take is my baby album and Jonathan's. I spot the police officer and slowly nod, walking out with him. He puts everything in the trunk and lets me back in the car and shuts the door.

The passing trees roll by. My eyes decent to my feet as we pass Avia's house. I wonder what she thinks of this whole situation.

We drive for what seems like hours, but is only forty minutes. The cop car pulls up a white house with odd boue trims. The officer gets out as a lady with a high ponytail and a suit walks out. They meet half way and begun to talk, glancing at myself once in a while. I sigh, leaning against the black seats. Sometimes I wish I were still with my mom. Everything is so different now. I could Dela with the teasing and the broken glass. But I don't know if I can deal with this.

The cop walks back and opens the door. I grab my bag and clutch the handle tightly. He places a soft hand on my shoulder as we walk up to the lady. She bends down to my level and starts speaking to me.

"Okay sweetie, I'm your social worker. We'll be working with you snd the system to make sure you get a good home to grow up in. Sometimes it gets hard, but eventually it gets easier. You'll be okay again." She says, leading me to the house.

We walk in to the quiet space. A bright looking women comes around the corner with her hands folded

"Hello Emmi." She smiles warmly, immediately feeling comfort from her.

"Hi." I manage to speak. My voice cracks, like I haven't spoken in weeks. Her face grows with sympathy.

"Don't be afraid here. We try to be as welcome as we possibly can be. You'll be staying here until we can find a possible good home. For now, welcome." The women says, "I'm Eve by the way." I nod and the social worker exits the building.

Eve leads me up the stairs where multiple rooms are. She takes to one where there are six beds, three in each side.

"There are eighteen girls in all. You will attend a school and we also have therapy sessions with everyone on Sunday morning. It is required to show up and listen, but you don't have to speak. We encourage it, but it is not required." Eve explains.

"The girls will help you get used to our schedule. It is on each door, so just make sure to look. Chores are assigned every week, so expect that. Unexpectableb actions or words will be punished by more chores." Eve says, laying a clean blanket on 'my' bed. Eve looks back.

"Do you have clothing?" She asks. I nod my head. "Okay. If you need something just ask me. Toothbrush, deodorant, and you know, other girl things are available. Just ask." She says. I nod.

"Um thank you." I mumble, fussing with my nails. She smiles pats my shoulder.

"When you're not doing chores or therapy sessions, it gets fun here. You'll have new friends and you'll get used to it. I know your old life was hard, and it will get easier with time." Eve says warmly. I nod.

"Take care, Emmi. Dinner is at five thirty." She leaves the room. I collapse on the bed and stare up at the ceiling.

Why did life have to get so hard?

But everything will be okay, right?

After all, I am receiving some love, and that's all I ever wanted.

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