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I wake up to a loud shouting and screaming. I jolt up from my bed. I pull on shorts and a shirt.

I put my head on the door.

"EMMI! GET YOUR BUTT UP!" Mom screams. I sigh and hold back tears. I don't want to.

I wait for a moments.

"EMMI!" The screaming is louder. I shiver. If I wish any longer she'll known down my door.

I slowly unlock it and walk out. She looks up at me.

"Get. Over. Here." He says with gritted teeth. I walk over carefully. She grabs my shirt collar.

"You little brat." Mom hisses at me. I close my eyes. My back connects with the floor. I type to get up, but before I know it her fist is hitting my cheek.

It burns and hurts like hell.

"You are a mistake." She says to me. I watch her with fear. She kicks my so arm. I hear a crack. I let my tears fall this time.

"Mistake. Worthless!" She screams at me louder. I whipe my eyes and inch backword. She turns around for a second. That's when my hand grabs the door handle. I twist it quickly and get up.

I rip the door open and start running, mostly limping amd running.

"GET BACK HERE!" She screams as she runs after me.

Come on Emmi.

Run. Run. Run.

I push myself and don't look back me. Her screaming is getting more faint. I look ahead. More sobs come out as I get further.

I just want my dad.

I reach a tree. I lean on it as I hold my arm. I let more sobs come out. I look aorund and run more.

I have no idea where I'm going. Until I get an idea.

Avia's house.

They're all I have now.

I run harder and harder.

I trip buy quickly pick myself up and continue. I see the rather large house appear. I run quicker and pante as I get near the driveway.

I slow down, knowing my mom, no, Breela Elton is far behind me. I go up the steps and knock on the door.

I hold my arm and cry.

"Who is it?" I hear someone asks. I can't find the words to say anything as I cry harder and my arm hurts even more.

"Who--" The door opens. Avia stands there in pajamas. She pauses and gasps.

"E-E-Emmi?" She stutters. I see Gavin apear in a split second.

"What happened to you?" He asks. I can't speak. I'm trembling. He pulls me inside, clearly seeing there's something thing very wrong.

He leads me to the couch and goes into brother mode.

"Whats wrong? Where does it hurt? What happened? Who hurt you?" He asks. I can only hold my arm and sob. He quickly stops asking questions.

It loos like their little brothers look at me confused.

"Brock, Dax go to mommy and daddy's room, okay? I'll be there in a minute." Avia directs. The nod and leave.

"Listen to me Emmi, I really need you to calm down. I need you to answer me." Gavin says softly. I nod. It takes me a while to get my crying to soft tears.

"Now, who hurt you?" He asks.

"M-mom." I manage to say.

"Your mom?" He asks. I nod. Even more alarmed he turns to Avia.

"Call mom and dad. Tell them to come home now, it's an emergency."He says. Avia nods and goes to the phone.

"Where does it hurt?" He asks. I look at my arm and point to my cheek and leg. "This will hurt, but let me see your arm." He says. I shake my head as more tears come out. He takes my hand.

"You can trust me, I need to see it." He says in a comforting tone. I find myself nodding.

He carefully moves my good arm away. He lifts my long sleeve shirt up and studies my arm. It's bruised and red and puffy. He sighs and let's me hold it again.

"Listen to me Emmi. Your mom, don't go back. Ever. You stay here. Don't move. I'll be here. Avia will be here. While we are waiting for our parents I want you to stay calm, okay?" He explains. I nod. Avia tells Gavin what their mom and dad said. She goes to look on the boys and quickly returns.

She sits on the ground by Gavin and gives me a reassuring look.

"You'll be okay. You're with us now." She says quietly. I nod. I trust them.

"Should we call the police?" Avia aks Gavin.

"I think we should, I just don't know how." He says, tubing his head, clearly stressed. He turns to me. "Whats your mom's name?" He asks.

"Breela." I reply, now controlling my tears.

"Elton, right?" Avia says. I nod.

Gavin nods.

"Let's call."He decides. Gavin gets his phone from his pocket amd dialls. Avia gets on the couch and takes my hand and rubs it.

"Hello?" Gavin says in the phone. He waits.

"We have a friend, Emmi Elton who came to our house in tears with bruises and a seems like a broken arm. She said It Was Her Mother who did it." Gavin says. He waits and nods.

"My adress is ****** ***** ******"

"Okay I will." He puts the phone call on speaker.

"Hi Emmi, I'm an operator, I need you to explain the situation as best as you can, okay?" A guy says. I nod. Avia hugs me arm.

"I-I was waking up, a-a-and she s-startes yelling. She hit me and kicked me a-alot. S-she swears a lot. And d-drinks and smokes." I explain in my trembling voice. I stop. There's a short pause.

"Okay thank you. We will take care of her okay? Do you have a dad sweetie?"

"N-no, he died." I say. I say. There's a long pause.

"Okay. Just stay quiet and don't answer the door unless it's your parents, yes?" He says.

"Yes." Gavin says.

We talk, or they talk about what happens for a little longer until there's a sound of sirens. Gavin gets up and runs to the door.

He opens the door.

I hear loud voices.

My heart beat rises and soon my world is spinning amd going black.

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