"Hello." I answered my ringing phone.
"Wassup?" Quan spoke into the phone.
"Just leaving practice." I opened my car door & got in.
"How about you come see me."
"Uhm how about not."
"Why not?" He sounded offended.
"Because I have a boyfriend." I reminded him.
"I know but we friends right?"
"I guess, But I need to shower & do my homework so our hangout will have to wait until the weekend."
"Alright I can't wait." I could hear him smile.
I shook my head & smiled. "Bye Quan." I hung up & headed home.
I had just got out of the shower when my phone buzzed.
Quan: I want you.
I shook my head & walked into Bahja's room.
"Look at this!" I handed her the phone.
"Woow, he needs to get it together."
"Right like ugh I know we got school tomorrow but I just need to pull up on him real quick & talk to him." I was frustrated.
"Do it but bring back some food, I'll tell my mom you went to go get us something to eat."
"Okay thanks."
A few minutes later I pulled in front of Quan's house.
He walked outside & got in the car.
"You look you sexy with you hair freshly washed." He touched my curls & I blushed.
How could I still like him?
"Quan you need to stop." I snapped back.
"Stop what? I want you! I need you." He kissed me & it felt so good.
I pulled back. "Why? Why now? Why not before when you had the chance? Now I'm back with Roc & you want me."
"To be honest I don't want a serious relationship right now but I know I don't want nobody else having you."
"Thats sweet & all. I did want you but not anymore sweety. I'm doing fine with my man & I wish you'd respect that. I like you I do & before I would've left Roc for you but I realized I liked you but I love Roc & he who I need & want to be with right now. If you & I are meant to happen then we will."
He nodded his head. "Okay can we have sex one last time before we end "us"
I looked at him like he was crazy. "Boy you better get out my car."
"Alright alright my bad." He opened the door. "See ya at school pick me up in the morning."
"Okay bye fool!" I drove off.
--Short sorry but ain't y'all proud of Hazel?
--That bitch still ain't talk to Alyssa yet.
Follow me on instaa & twitaa @moiyehh