Peybrina Fanction Chapter 1

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**NOTE: THIS DOES NOT INVOLVE LUCAYA (Lucas and Maya from Girl Meets World) AT ALL.**

It was the first day of filming the first episode of Season 3 for Girl Meets World. I've missed Sabrina so much.. I hope she missed me too.

We haven't really talked as much as we used to, mostly because we've both been busy. We've texted before a few times but only saying "Hi." "Hey." "How are u?" "Good, u?" "Good." "Great." We've also seen each other face-to-face before as well, but it was just a little meet-up with Sabrina, Rowan, Corey, and me.

It's kinda funny because Rowan and Corey have been dating for a month now while Sab and me haven't been talking at all. Although I could just imagine her opinion on that, she'd just shrug then smile. I love her smile. It's so beautiful and perfect. I mean, she's beautiful and perfect altogether but just something about her smile...

"Peyton, c'mon, why are you just sitting there? Get out of the car!" I snap out of my daydream. My mom's screaming outside of the car. I get out and slid my phone inside the pocket of my jeans. Of course she's yelling. I don't know why she eve decided to bring me, I'm 17.

My mom walks me all the way to the front door. "Alright well good luck." She quickly kissed me on the forehead. "Love you. Text me when to pick you up." She walked back to the car. Again, I don't even know why she came. Whatever.

I walk inside. All the lights were dimmed. I suddenly feel something jump on my back, startling me. Sabrina.
"Hey, Ranger Rick." "Really? I thought before we agreed on not giving me those nicknames outside of filming." I smile and sense she wants to get off. I want her to stay there but I don't say anything. I lean back and let her down.

"Hey, how have you been? We haven't talked in a while."
"I'm eh. Yeah we really haven't, I miss Facetiming you"
My heart skips a beat. Did she say she misses facetiming me? Wow. I guess I shouldn't read too much into it but I guess i'm realizing how much I've missed her.
"Earth to Peyton?" I snap out of my daydream, again.
She's smiling as she tries to get my attention.
"Oh sorry! I was just thinking. Yeah, I miss it too. Also, where's Corey and Rowan?"
"I don't know. We are early though. We're an hour and a half early." "Oh, I didn't even realize." I chuckle
She smiled. "Hey, wanna go to my dressing room and talk before we have to go on set?"
My face lightens up
"Sure! I'd love to!" Oh gosh, was that too forward? Eh whatever.

She grabs my hand gently and starts running up the stairs, gripping my hand. I lace our fingers together as I smile brightly, feeling the warmth of her hand.
She reaches her dressing room and opens the door. She let go of my hand and spun cutely.
"This is my dressing room!" She smiled
I looked around. There was a dresser with a mirror with a stool underneath it for her makeup to the left, some lounging couches to the right, a little rack of clothes to the exact right of the door, and a bathroom straight across from where you enter the dressing room.
"Wow, it's tiny but nice." She chuckled
"Yeah but I like it in here."
There was a moment of silence
"Here, come sit." She patted the other side of where she was sitting.
I sat down next to her. "What do you want to talk about?"
"Well is there anything new?"

"No, not really."
There was another moment of silence
"I have an idea. Do you wanna watch a movie?"
I smile "Sure. What movie?"
"Hmm, how about Toy Story? It'll bring out our inner 7 year old." She laughed
I laughed as well. "Sure, why not."

She made popcorn and put it in between both of our laps. She quietly slipped off her shoes and put her feet up on the couch. We then begin to start watching as the movie begins.

Half way through the movie, I felt her warm body snuggle up next to me. We already set the popcorn bowl down on the coffee table in front of us earlier. I gulped as I felt my face turn a soft shade of red. I turned my head at her and smiled softly. She didn't notice and kept her attention towards the screen. I stared at her for at least 15 seconds, looking at her gorgeous face. It was like she was hypnotizing me, without actually hypnotizing me. I then snapped out of my gaze and turned my head back to the screen.

The movie was 20 minutes from ending when Corey walked in. "Oh, am I interrupting something"
Both me and Sabrina turned our heads towards him, a little startled.
She moved over away from me to stop cuddling. I slightly frowned.
"No, we were just watching a movie." She smiled and stood up, starting to walk towards Corey. She gave him a big hug. "I've missed you."
He smiled as well. "I missed you too." I got a little jealous but shrugged it off. I walked towards Corey as well as Sabrina and Corey let go of each other. I hugged Corey.
"Hey, long time, no see." I smiled.
"Hey Peyton, how have you been?" He let go of me. "Good, you?"
"I'm doing great."
Rowan's face appeared as she squeezed through Corey in the doorway.
"Hey Sab!" "Hey!" They both hugged and giggled.

They let go. "Hey Peyton!" She reached out her arms for a hug. I hugged her and smiled warmly.
"Hey Rowan." We both let go and smiled at each other.
Sabrina's phone went off and she looked at it briefly. "It's time for us to go on set."


I walked outside the back door of the building with Sabrina after a long day of filming.
I turned to Sabrina to say something but Rowan appeared behind us. "Hey you guys want to come to my place to celebrate a great first day back on set?" I turned around and saw her arm wrapped around Corey's.
"Sure." Sabrina smiled.
"Yeah, I'm in."

Rowan showed us to her car and unlocked it. Rowan sat in the driver's seat, Corey sat in the front seat, which left me and Sabrina to the back seat. Sabrina sat down after me and shut the back door to the car.

Does she love me too? Peybrina Fanfiction [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now