Peybrina Fanfiction Chapter 3

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"Peyton, Sab, wake up." I faintly heard Rowan whisper to me and Sabrina. I opened my eyes. 
"Huh? What time is it?" I sat up, letting go of Sabrina as she started to wake up as well.
"It's 9:32. I made breakfast. I thought I should wake you up before it gets cold."
"Thanks Rowan." Sabrina got up. "Oh, and Peyton."
"Thanks for comforting me last night." She smiled softly and started to walk to the kitchen.

I got up and stretched, then started walking to the kitchen after Sabrina. I could smell the delicious bacon and eggs. I sat down at the table next to Sabrina. 
"Goodmorning Corey." 
"Goodmorning Sabby, morning Peyton." "Morning."
I began eating the delicious breakfast Rowan made. I wonder if Sabrina liked cuddling me. She was so warm up against my body and she looked like an angel when she slept.
It's gonna be hard when I confess my feelings to her.
"Hello, Peyton?" I heard Corey's voice and I came back to reality.
"What?" I heard Rowan giggle from the kitchen
"I asked if you needed a ride home." 
"Oh, um, yeah." I finished my plate and put it in the sink.

I walked to the couch in the living room and sat down, waiting for everyone else. 
"Alright, is everyone ready to go?" Rowan walked to the door. 
"Yeah." Me, Corey, and Sabrina said.

Once again, me and Sabrina were in the backseat.
"Hey, are you alright? You've been a little distracted since yesterday."
"Oh, no I'm fine. Just daydreaming and thinking, that's all. Thanks for being concerned though."
"Yeah no problem." She smiled and looked out her window. I did the same and kept thinking about her, of course.

We arrived at my house. I unfastened my seat belt. 
"Thanks for the drive, Rowan. I'll see you guys later." I opened the car door and got out. Just before I shut it, Sabrina said "Hey, don't forget to text me."
"I won't." I replied and smiled. I shut the door and waved as I walked to the front door of my house.

I settled down in my room after I took a quick shower. I sat on my bed and heard my phone go off. I pulled my phone out. It was a text from Sabrina. "Hey, u forgot to text me."
"Oh sorry, i took a shower." I replied. "Oh ok, wanna Facetime?" "Sure."
I pressed the facetime button. Connecting... The screen loaded and the next thing I saw was Sabrina. She looked gorgeous, as always.

"Hey, what are ya doing?" She was laying down on what appeared to be her bed with her cat Peanut beside her.
"Eh, nothing. You?" 
"Same here. By the way, you look really nice." I became shocked. I forced my face not to make any weird expressions but I was shocked. I felt my face turn red.
"Aw, i'm sorry, you're blushing!" She smiled cutely.
"No i'm not!" I exclaimed back as I struggled not to smile. 
"Alright, alright, you're not." She stopped teasing but I heard her giggle.
"So, what do you wanna talk about?"
"Peyton, get down her! You have football practice!" 
"Alright!" I turned around and shouted back. "I got to go, see you later."

Does she love me too? Peybrina Fanfiction [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now