Peybrina Fanfiction Chapter 2

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  The drive was silent. No one talked except Rowan and Corey whispered a couple of times to each other.
We arrived at Rowan's house. "We're here!" She exclaimed after pulling into the driveway. She got out and so did Corey, then me and Sabrina. Rowan unlocked her house and walked in.
"So what do you guys want to do first?" She tossed the keys onto the counter.  
"Hm.. We could play Truth or Dare?" 
"Awe, really Sabrina? We play that almost every time you're here!" Corey groaned at Sabrina's suggestion. "Ok, fine we don't have to play it." 
"We could watch a movie..?" "No I have a better idea.. How about a cooking challenge? Two teams and we try to bake.. Eggs for the first round." Sabrina smiled at her creative suggestion.
"I'm in." I smile. "So are we." Rowan agreed for Corey and her.

"Alright, so who wants to go with who?" Sabrina asked, somewhat shouting. 
"Sorry Sab, but I'm going with Corey since he's the best cook."
"What?! How dare you Row?!" She jokingly crossed her arms and puffed her bottom lip out as she furrowed her brow. She looked adorable. 
"Well, you have me..!" I smiled awkwardly
"Yeah, I guess you're right." She uncrossed her arms and her facial expression faded away. She smiled softly. 

"Alright, here are the rules, first of all no cheating, we have 10 minutes-" Sabrina got cut off by Corey.
"Hey, who said you made the rules?" 
"Me because I came up with the idea." She smiled proudly.
"And the last rule is too have fun. Oh and Rowan, do you have aprons?"
"Yeah they're in that closet over there." She pointed to the closet.
Sabrina grabbed the aprons and handed us all one. 
"Hey Peyton, can you help me with my apron in the back?" "Sure." She turned around and I started tying it. I started to get a little nervous and fidgety but I did it perfectly.
"There you go." I smiled. "Can you help me with mine?"
She nodded and tied. "I got the stuff out!" I heard Rowan shout.
"Ok, i'll start the timer in 3, 2, 1, GO!"

I started to somewhat freak out under peer pressure and started the stove.
"Ok, I'll start cracking the eggs." Sabrina opened the fridge and grabbed the eggs the same time Rowan did. They started tugging on the egg carton. I grabbed a bowl for the eggs. I tried breaking up the tug-a-war and get the eggs but failed. Sabrina pulled the eggs from Rowan and opened the carton. Rowan then quickly snatched a egg and threw it at Sabrina. I got one and threw it at Rowan, laughing. An egg war soon broke out and we were throwing eggs until they were gone. At least, I thought they were gone. Rowan opened the fridge to get another egg carton and opened it. She started throwing them again. I grabbed some and accidentally hit Sabrina with the egg instead of Corey. She turned around dramatically and started chucking eggs at me. I laughed and we started having an egg war. Sabrina suddenly slipped and hit her head on the floor. "Oh my gosh, Sabrina, are you ok?!" I got down on my knees to help her up.
Rowan and Corey did the same soon after. "I'm ok." She rubbed the back of her head.

The timer rang loudly. I stood up ad shut it off. Sabrina stood up as Rowan helped her.
"Well, that was some cook off. Oh, Sabrina, do you need ice?" I asked, concerned.
"No, no i'll be ok. Thanks though." She walked towards Sabrina's couch and lied down. "Can I spend the night Rowan?"
"Of course. My mom will be home any second though so can you boys help me?"

Me, Rowan and Corey finished cleaning up 15 minutes later. We washed off as well and took off our aprons. I walked to the couch were Sabrina lied down on earlier and saw she was sleeping. She looked so peaceful when she slept. 

I sat down at the end of her couch where her feet where and lied back, yawning.
"Can I spend the night too?" I smiled at Rowan when I turned around.
"Sure Peyton." She smiled as well.   

"Since I guess you and Sabrina are sleeping down here, I will too." Corey then sat on the other couch and Rowan sat down on the chair. 

I soon fell asleep, dreaming of Sabrina.
I woke up suddenly to screaming and I jumped. I opened my eyes to see Sabrina screaming. I quickly reached over to her and hugged her. "Shh, Sabrina, it's ok.." I tried to calm her down. She dug her head into my chest and hugged me back. I felt her tears wetting a spot on my shirt. "Don't cry, it's ok. It was just a nightmare." She stopped crying and fell asleep hugging me. I smiled softly and fell asleep soon after as well. 

Does she love me too? Peybrina Fanfiction [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now