Peybrina Fanfiction Chapter 4

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                                                      ** A week after the sleep over**

I was in my living room, playing on my PS4 when I heard my phone. It was Sabrina, of course.
"Hey, can I come over?" "Sure, why though?" "I'll talk to you when I get there."

After about 15 minutes, the doorbell rang. I opened the door to see Sabrina sobbing. She had a bloody nose. She walked in and hugged me tightly. 
"Hey, why are you crying and why are you bleeding?!" I shut the door as I hugged her back.
"Rowan and Corey hate me now." 
"They can't hate you, Sabrina. Let's get you cleaned up, sit down and talk."  I walked over to the bathroom and cleaned her face.
"Tell me what happened now." 
"Ok, so, I was at Rowan's place and Corey was  there, and we were talking. It was a moment of silence when I said, 'Guys, can I make a suggestion without you guys getting pissed at me?' Rowan, of course, said 'Of course! What is it?' 'I think you and Corey should temporarily break up.' That's when Rowan got super mad. 'What?! Why?!' 'Because, the director might fuss at you guys for staring at eachother during filming.' Then Corey said, 'Well the director will do that when he does. Why do you care?' 'I just don't want you guys getting fussed at. You guys are just sitting there, staring at each other with googly eyes on set.' Then Corey punched me. I ran out and that's when I texted you."

"Wait, Corey punched  you?" My voice became deep as I felt anger rush through my body.
"Peyton, it's ok. Don't get angry."
"Get angry? I'm already pass that point." I got up and grabbed my car keys. "You stay right there. I'll be back."
Sabrina ran up to me. "Peyton, don't do this. Please, I'm begging you not to." 
I heard the words I'm begging you not to more drastically then anything else she said.
"Ok." I calmed down and put the keys down. 

I sat down on the couch while Sabrina calmed me down.
"Why don't you want me to go teach Corey a lesson?"
"Because it isn't the right thing to do. You have to be more mature about these things."
I raised my voice. "How am I supposed to be mature when he punched my-" I was so close of saying crush but I immediately stopped myself.
"My best friend." I sighed.
"I'm sorry Sabrina.."
"It's ok. I get it, you're trying to protect me and I'm really thankful for it. However, sometimes, you just need to think about what else could happen if you do that action. I didn't think about what I said before I said it but don't make the same mistakes."
"Thank you Sab."

"Ha, I beat you at Mario Cart once again Peyton!" She laughed as she put the controller down on the couch.
"Whatever." I smiled and looked at her.
"Hey, do you want something to drink or a snack?"
"No, I'm good." 
I got up and walked to the kitchen. I opened the fridge and grabbed a water bottle. 
I heard sniffling from the living room. I ran back quickly.
"Sabrina! Don't cry."
She buried her face in my chest and hugged me. "Why do I do these things?!"
"Sabrina, you did nothing wrong, you hear me?! Please don't cry, I hate to see you cry."
She sniffled. "Can we just cuddle? That may sound a bit too forward of me but-"
"Of course we can, come here." I lied down, shifting her upwards for her to lay her head down on my chest. She kept hugging me and soon fell asleep. I smiled at her and kissed her forehead.

Does she love me too? Peybrina Fanfiction [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now