{~Wings of Freedom~} Chapter 3

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Sorry I hadn't updated in a while...
So here's the third part! Will be posting the fourth part soon. I hope:)


{~Wings of Freedom~}

Chapter 3:|Where are you now?|

Years passed by without much thought. You could still remember how you met that Eren kid. You sighed deeply.

How long was it? 6? 7 years?

You tried to return to the fields by your own, but failed too as the guards and chambermaids of the estate you lived in always made sure to return you to your room.

'I want to see him. Eren Jäeger...'

Your family, the [Surnames] were not only the most influential of the nobles, but also being related to the Royal Family. You can say you were a Royal yourself. However, you despised that fact about you. How could people bear the thought of being locked up in the Walls? You thought. How could people feel carefree when danger is lurking outside these Walls? You thought. Nevertheless, when opportunity came about that enabled you to get out of Wall Sina, you never failed to grasp hold of it, but the faint strand of hope was always thrashed by your own family.

'If only... If only I could get out of here somehow...'

Then, that day arrived.

That horrible day of grief. The day you never wished would arrive upon you.

That day, where Wall Maria was breached.

'That's the 60 Meter Colossal Titan!!!'
'Run everybody!'
'Evacuate the citizens!!!'


You nearly choked on your tea. Lucia, your personal maid stood, slightly frantic and shocked by the news she told you herself. You slammed the table in a fit of panic.

'Lucia?! My parents are at Wall Maria?! Why didn't you tell me?!'

She bowed deeply, apologising,'I'm really sorry Mistress [Name] but it was Madam and Sir's orders. They were afraid you might leave Wall Sina.' You frowned,'But do you know what this means?! Wall Maria was breached by a 60 meter tall Titan! There were also reports of an armoured Titan and the other Titans from the outside entering! What if my parents...?!' She held onto your arm,'Mistress [Name]!'

You turned to her, nearly in tears,'They are my parents Lucia... What if they... Got eaten?'

Lucia could only solemnly stare at you.

'Mistress [Name], they were the first to be attacked.'

To Be Continued...

{~Wings Of Freedom~} Shingeki No Kyojin[Eren x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now