How Does a Superhero End Up in Detention?

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Ever since the city of Honoraire was founded two clans of super villains have terrorized the streets. One, is called the Greeks. They are the better of the two clans. The biggest offence I've ever put a Greek away for is minor theft, drug trafficing, or vandalism. Inside the Greeks as a whole, there are individual clans, some clans being stronger than others. The highest ranked Greek clan is lead by a villian who goes by the name Hades, god of the underworld. The Greeks, I can put up with, but the Romans I hate with a burning passion.

The Romans are the lowest scum of society. They are the murderers, mass robbers and bombers. They care not about who they injure, kill, or destroy as long as they get what they want. The Roman leader, Jupiter, controls all of the super villians in the city, even the Greeks. They are ruthless, cold, and heartless.

The Romans killed my father, now it is up to me to keep the city save from these monsters. And avenge the name of my father.


Ok so, quick overview of what just got explained

The Romans:

The Romans are bad news. they are the murders, bank robbers and bombers. they care not about who they can injure of kill, just what they can get out of it. they are typically cold people. they took down Mr. Bigshot because he was a nusence.  every greek wants to be a roman, well most greeks. Jupiter the leader of romans and whole villain population

The Greeks:

The greeks are the less hardcore ofthe two villian groups. they deal with the minor stealing, drug trafficing, and vandalism. they have individual clans. the power of the clan is determined by the god/goddess name of the leader. Blaze's clan one of the strongest. they live on the bottom two floors of the villian apartment building.

Thanks so much For reading!!!


Em :)

ps, some feedback would be lovely.

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