Chapter 7

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Chapter 7 (Skye POV)

“You know, maybe this whole detention thing isn’t so bad” Arura said as we sat on the edge of a seven foot skateboard ramp in the nearly empty skate park. She snapped pictures on her Nikon as Colt attempted to learn regular skateboard.

“Ah… shit!” he exclaimed as he fell again.

“Says you who wasn’t stuck in a room with Blaze Taylor from eight to eleven this morning…” I sighed. I’d gotten better at ignoring him over the week. Now, I wouldn’t even react to anything he says, just continue my drawing or painting, whichever I happened to bring in.

Today I’d had to work on my ‘things most loved’ project. It was a painting of Wesley, Arura, Colt, Ginger and I all smiling or making some stupid face.

“Why don’t you paint me doll? You know I’m an excellent model, with or without clothes” Blaze had said, and I’d continued to mix my flesh tone. I heard the click of the camera shutter and it pulled me back out of my recap of today.

“Watcha’ thinkin’ about?” Arura lowered her camera. “Oooh, I love this picture” she showed me the screen. My blonde hair was blowing out from under my hat and I had a far-off look in my eyes. It was a good picture, a really good picture.

I sighed again, “Nothing in particular.”

“Hey look at it on the bright side, you’re one week down, only fifteen to go” Arura said, snapping an action shot of Colt falling.

“Arura, quit getting me falling” he whined from across the park.

“Does it ever get weird, hanging out with your ex?” I wondered.

“Nah, we only dated for a month and change. It wasn’t like he was the love of my life that broke my heart or anything” she smiled, looking at Colt.

“True, otherwise you wouldn’t touch the Street Side with a ten meter stick” I replied.

The Street Side Café was a small coffee shop where Colt worked after school. We always stopped by to order a lot of pastries, then make him box them all, or order 20 coffees and then stand outside and give them away, but mainly just bothered Colt.

“Mmm, we haven’t been there in a while. Wanna go after you get off of detention?” she asked.

“Hm, probably, let me get back to you on that” I said.

“Oh yea, concert at Bolt, week from today, we’re going” Arura commanded.

“Who’s playing?” I asked as I watched Colt actually land something.

“Wow Colt. Next thing you know you’ll be a pro!” Arura yelled sarcastically.

“Thanks!” Colt called back, sarcasm blowing right over his surfer hair. Arura and I laughed at his thick-headedness as he attempted to grind on the rail.

“You now you might break your Oakley’s if you fall” I called down. Colt looked up at us, then immediately tossed the sunglasses up to Arura.

“Could you put those in your camera bag?” I swear that boy is too attached to his Oakley’s. Arura nodded and stuffed them into her bag, and then she turned to me.

“It’s a night of local bands like Official Federation, We Fight Water with Fire, Pre-Addiction, and one that I don’t think we’ve ever seen before, Mirror Mirror” she finally answered my question.

“Heard if they’re any good?”

“Music wise, I’ve heard they’re really good, looks wise I don’t know.”

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