Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 (Skye POV)

The bell rang at the end of last period. I groaned and stood up; it was the first day of detention. Wesley came up from behind and hugged me.

“It’s only three hours Skye” he whispered.

“Yea only three hours for you who gets to sit in front of my flat-screen, watching something stupid and getting food from Mr. Jenkins while I’ll be chained to a desk” I grumbled.

“No, actually I’ll be going home, so I’ve got just as much torture” he sighed, looking miserable. I knew how much he hated going home.

“You could always come to detention with me” I joked weakly.

“Hm, that’s actually not a bad idea…” Wesley smiled, with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

“No, Wesley, go home, lock your door, and put your Mayday Parade in.”

“Fine… text me when you get outta detention” he said, digging for his ipod.

“I will” I promised, smiling at him as he ran off to catch a cab. Ugh, detention. I seriously couldn’t believe this, I’m a superhero for fucks sake! I trudged slowly to my doom, aka room C256. Did I really have to do this? Damn, I walked too fast and was there already. I swung open the door to reveal an empty room. I stomped to the back, threw my books down, and sat angrily down in my seat. It was 2:56. I snapped my gum, impatiently waiting to get this show on the road. When 2:59 rolled around, and no one showed, I assumed I was alone.

‘Yes the entire time to myself’ I thought happily. Then my momentary happiness was shattered when the door handle turned. In stepped the longish black haired, blue eyed Blaze Taylor. He hung out with Jax, the man whore, Bennett ad Runner Oliver. I’ve heard Runner’s a pretty decent guy, Jax has slept with over half of the female population at the school, and Blaze had some major anger issues. I couldn’t have gotten stuck with the nicer one? Blaze slid into the desk next to me.

“Hey beautiful” he smirked, leaning slightly my way.

“Fuck off” I replied harshly; I really wasn’t in the mood to deal with someone like Blaze Taylor today.

“Wow, so cruel to a nice guy trying to give you a compliment” Blaze feigned hurt.

“Hm, I’ve heard a lot about you Blaze Taylor, but never nice” I said.

“You can always find differently” he flirted.

“Never in hell…” I started but then the teacher walked in.

“Oh good, you two already know each other. Well Miss Hazard, Mr. Taylor get used to each other because each of you have the four months plus Saturday special. We have the other, single day, detentioneers in another room so you tow will be the only ones here. I really don’t want to spend my precious time here so I’ll probably be in the teacher’s lounge. I’m locking you in from the outside, if there’s a fire, jump out a window” the teacher left as quickly as she came, leaving Blaze and I alone.

“Ugh four months” I groaned. Blaze’s face showed a fraction of hurt.

“Well at least you’ve got something to look at” he smiled cockily.

“Yea, the wall” I snorted and pulled out my sketchpad from my bag.

“You cut me to the core doll” he clutched his shirt around his heart. I ignored him. I knew I had to work on “the pain” sketch for AP art. My pain sketch was a girl screaming, with a single tear running down her face, and I’d been working on it for days.

“Watcha’ drawin’?” Blaze asked, leaning over to see. I said nothing, and slid the drawing away.

“Aw come on, don’t be like that” he whined. After an hour of bothering me as I ignored him, he gave up. He had really annoying habits. Every four minutes, he’d crack his gum, every 30 seconds he’d tap his pencil, every fifteen seconds, he’d drum his fingers on the desk, and every couple minutes, he’d glance at me. I had his habits down to a science by the second hour.

‘Gum in 3… 2… 1’ I thought to myself. Blaze snapped his gum.

‘Pencil.’ His pencil tapped against the desk.

‘Fingers.’ As if on cue, his fingers drummed against the wooden surface. It was like the discovery channel.

‘Watch the habits of the strange beast, the teenage male man whore’ I thought and laughed to myself. Blaze looked at me slightly, and then went back to staring at nothing like before. Going on hour three, he pulled out a new annoyance, a small, neon green bouncy ball. He threw it against the wall a few times before I glared at him.

“What? Upset you didn’t think of it first doll?” he smirked. I rolled my eyes and went back to my drawing. Suddenly the bouncy ball bounced off of my head and Blaze burst out laughing.

“Do you want to play a game of wall ball? He offered in response to my annoyed glare.

“Look, Skye, I realize you may not like me, and I’m not particularly fond of you, but we’ve got this together for the next four months. You can't ignore me for four months doll. It just won't happen.”

“Watch me” I growled.

“Well then, I’ll just have to make this harder” Blaze said and leaned over so that he was inches away.

“So how’s that ignoring me going?” I concentrated on my sketch.

“So, are you and the long haired guy, like a thing now? Cause I mean, I heard you dumped the other guy.” I glared at my sketch and gripped my mechanical pencil harder. God I hated Blaze.

“Oh, I see, the long haired guy is like your rebound guy? Or, are you just using him for sex?” he taunted and I gritted my teeth together.

“Now doll, that’s not nice to use people like that. What if Shaggy actually has feelings for you? Would you feel bad then?” Was he ever going to stop? I was determined not to fold.

“What would your daddy say?” My jaw clenched.

“Fuck you!” I yelled and slammed a clenched fist onto the desk. “My dad’s fucking dead so he isn’t saying shit anymore!”

Blaze’s face changed for a fraction of a second. It looked like he was actually sorry for the comments, but then as quickly as the remorse came, it was gone. “Is all your artwork this disturbing? It’s very good, just; she looks like she’s in pain. You should just draw me. You know you want to doll” Blaze struck a pose in his desk. “Or, would you rather I model naked, cause I’m open to that if you are” he smirked.

“You're disgusting” I said, and then remembered I was ignoring him. He smiled.

“A little falter in your resolve doll?” I glanced up at the clock. Still a half hour to go. I sighed and put my head down.

“Aw tired? I could fix that.” His head was close to mine now; I could feel him near me.

“I’m good” I mumbled.

“Are you sure? I’m quite a good kisser.”

“Over my dead body.”

“People who say that often change their minds.”

“Not his person.” I kept my head down for the rest of detention.


and now the main story starts! so what do you think of everybody so far? whos your favorite hero? villian? let me know! the pic on the side is wesley :)

thanks for reading!



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