Author's Note: Hi Hi :] ahhh!! Its Matt Bennetts Birthday :D Happy Birthday Matt, I love you <3 Ill never forget Robbie or Kyle Stevens lol.
Anyways on another note.. Hi readers :) Bare with me, because this is going to be a long A/N. I just want to acknowledge every one of you and give you all a huge thank you and heres an internet hug personally from me.. O (you know like the symbol O in oxo meaning hug?! haha). I gave you that hug because I really appreciate that you have read this short story fan fiction and I still can't believe that nearly 200 people have read this story!! Omg, thats amazing!!
Due to this many people viewing this work and no, its not an update Ill award you with.. apologies for that but I have nothing to add to this story. Its just if you'd care to, could you please read my other story called 'Pop Like Pink Champagne'? I know you're now probably thinking this is some stupid promoting thing and Im just greasing up to you so you will be obliged to read my other story and I know now you probably hate me for this.. but I honestly think you guys will love 'Pop Like Pink Champagne' just as much as I hope you like Victorious Dream Circle since both stories feature the same cast and this story starts of with Ariana hiding something from Matt and Leon and it creates huge suspense and as Im going to spoil here.. a family member distracts Ariana from finally telling them and Angry Matt returns.. oooo :o aha sound good? Then please check it out. But if I am wrong I'm sorry I wasted your time, you can now move along allthough I still thank you with all my heart for reading everything so far :{)
bye for now x