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Kizumi and I were sitting in desks next to each other in English. We weren't doing any sort of project or or anything, but over time I kind of just migrated over here. I sat by him so often that the teacher just didn't say anything about me moving over here permanently. If anything, she was probably glad that I was sitting by him now. Before we had become friends, he was always talking back and not listening to her.

I was sure she had noticed that he wasn't acting like that anymore, and was most likely just relieved she didn't have to put up with it. It was strange though...even to his day I didn't really understand why Kizumi was always like that before. I never really asked him because I didn't feel like it mattered...and I was worried about him getting angry at me. It wasn't really any of my business, I was just curious.

I realized that I had stopped reading over the words in the playbook I had in my hands. I'd flipped at least 3 pages without even registering what I had read. I went back to where I could remembering reading, but then closed my book. The period for reading was pretty close to being over anyways, and I was ahead like usual. I glanced over at Kizumi to see that his book wasn't even in his hands. He was doodling circles aimlessly on his paper. He must have realized I was staring at him, because he looked over at me.

"What?" He said quietly. I smiled and shook my head. After a moment, he went back to staring at his paper and drawing all over the sides. I looked him over, remembering the party. I wondered what he would even wear. It wasn't like we had to dress up in tuxes and stuff, but we probably had to wear something a little nicer than street clothes. The more I thought about it, the less I could even see Kizumi in nice clothes.

I had only ever seen him in casual clothes...and basketball shorts when he stayed the night at my house. He didn't dress up for picture day either, if I could remember correctly. It was back in the beginning of the year though, before we were friends. I thought I could remember noticing he hadn't worn anything particularly special. I hadn't really either though...picture day wasn't much of a huge deal for me. I just looked how I always did. It was usually the girls that always went all out.

I would probably have to ask Isaac what in the world we were supposed to dress nice, because now I wasn't sure anymore. Either way, I was kind of excited for it. It would only be a couple more days. It'd be the first party I'd been to all year, not including birthdays. I couldn't seem to imagine Kizumi at a party very well...he was always so distant from people. The image of him standing in the middle of a room full of people seemed unrealistic in my mind. 

"Shirou." He said my name.

"What?' I replied, trying to get rid of the awkward picture in my head.

"Stop staring at me." He said.

"I was staring?" I sounded surprised. "Sorry...I hadn't meant to." It kind of got on his nerves when people did that. It was another one of those things that I thought had just been because he didn't like me, but it was just one of his pet peeves. I looked away from him and he spoke, forcing me to look back at him.

"So, am I coming to your house or are you coming to mine?" He asked me.

"For the party? You can just walk to my house. My Mom is giving us a ride." I told him.

"Okay." He dropped it there, but I noticed he let out a little sigh as he faced forward again. Concerned, I turned my body towards him and said,

"Kizumi...you don't have  to go to the party you know. It's not like you're obligated to." At my words, he glanced up at me and looked into my eyes with shining ones.

"But if you're going I want to be there too." He made me blush a little when he said that. I couldn't understand why I stilled blushed when he said things to me sometimes. I would have thought I was done with that a while ago...but that wasn't the case. Kizumi didn't blush nearly as often as he used to. Once in a while though, he would randomly turn pink when I said something or when I did certain things. It was still cute, just like before.

Even though I didn't know why either of us still got flustered once in a while, it was actually kind of a nice thing. Couples are supposed to be able to make each other feel fluttery and excited, right? If there was one thing for sure, it was that Kizumi could still make me feel fluttery. Especially when he kissed me. Every time he did, though it wasn't very often, it was always special. Maybe the reason I liked it so much was because he didn't do it much. Maybe if he kissed me all the time I would get used to it and just think of it as something normal. I smiled a little bit at the thought.

"I'll see you at my house on Saturday then." I finally responded to him.

"What time?" He asked me. I told him sometime around seven would be fine and he nodded, then was quiet for the rest of the period. I was kind of excited to go to this. I hoped Kizumi would have fun, too.

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