20 (Yuji's P.O.V.)

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(Yuji's P.O.V.)

That backfired horribly. Very horribly. It had nothing to do with me being grabbed by Kizumi and tossed aside...In fact, I expected him to really beat the crap out of me. It was surprising when he didn't. The reason it backfired is because nothing fell between Kizumi and myself...it fell between Kizumi and Shirou. I thought maybe he would get so angry he'd come after me, but instead he ripped Shirou's heart to shreds.

I hadn't realized that my plan would cause this much trouble for Shirou. I knew maybe he'd have to deal with attitude issues, but I figured the two of them would just work things out somehow. Could I have been more wrong? Probably not. Kizumi was...such an idiot. I could tell that he didn't like what he was saying to me when he had said it. When he told me I could have Shirou, he looked as though he was going to break down and cry, despite seeming so livid right before that.

Shirou didn't know that, though. He didn't see Kizumi's expression. If he had, he might not have ran away crying...he was smarter than that. Maybe that was why he hadn't completely given up either, though. Even after seeming so sure that things were over between him and Kizumi, he attempted to reach him for days. He called, messaged, emailed...did he ever receive an answer? Not once. Kizumi probably didn't even pick up his phone to look, I was sure. Shirou had started to lose that last shred of hope, and had actually ended up staying home for the day.

Kizumi hadn't been going to school at all for the past week. That was probably normal for him, though. Shirou on the other hand...for him to miss school because he was sad? Incredibly unlike him. This must have pained him badly, and that was precisely why I felt so awful. It was enough to almost make me feel like I should tell him it was completely my fault. I knew I wouldn't, though. Instead of admitting to my foolish and cruel plan, I had a simple talk with him.

I told him that I was sorry and that I wasn't trying to go after him at all. Of course, Shirou understood and believed me. Then I told him I would back off a little to keep Kizumi from feeling that I was stealing him. Shirou thanked me, but I was sure he didn't think it mattered anymore. Kizumi had already ended things, and many of us knew he probably had no intention of fixing anything.

Despite being practically hopeless, Shirou did try to fix things. He wanted Kizumi back, still. Even as we sat around him today, looking at his distraught expression and feeling hopelessness in the air, I could still see that he wanted things to be better between them. Even if they didn't get back together as partners, the least he wanted was friendship or something like it. I sighed a little as I set down the bag of snacks we picked up for him. He didn't grab them but thanked us anyways.

"Thanks you guys...you didn't have to come over, though." He told us.

"We can't just leave you here all by yourself when you're sad." One of his friends said to him. He nodded a little, though he looked as if he disagreed with the statement. We all just sat there, some of them apologizing about the situation. After that it was silent. Shirou's ever saddening face brought me to a stand.

"We're going." I said. "Take us to Kizumi's house."

"What?" He looked bewildered.

"This isn't going to go on forever. You at least need closure or something." I stated, trying to look serious instead of guilty. Personally, I didn't want to visit his house. I didn't want to be anywhere near him, and I was sure he didn't want to any of us either. We had to go, though. It was my fault that Shirou was so sad, and I couldn't just sit here awkwardly and do nothing about it.

"I understand that you want to help, but visiting him probably isn't the best idea." Shirou sighed stood up, dismissing my idea. I took his wrist to stop him from turning away from us.

"Shirou, you can't just hole up in your room. I think it's pretty obvious he isn't going to reach out to you any time soon. If you can't bring yourself to face things head-on, then we're going to help you do it." I said, looking at the others for support. They instantly agreed with me.

"Yeah. The worst he can do is slam the door in our faces. We might as well give it a shot if he won't even answer his phone."

"Guys...please. You don't understand-" Shirou started to conjure up and excuse, but I put an end to it.

"You have to face this if you want it to ever get better. Don't run away or you'll only wish you had done something sooner." I told him. He looked at us and then gave up in trying to resist. He wasn't happy with it, but he agreed to take us to Kizumi's house.

The walk there seemed to take forever, but when we finally did reach his house, Shirou looked like he was about to turn around. I took his wrist and pulled him up the few steps and stood him in front of the door. I watched as he reluctantly raised his clenched fist to knock on the door. It felt like a whole minute passed before I finally grew impatient and ended up knocking on the door for him.

"...this was a bad idea. Let's leave before he reaches the door." Shirou suddenly looked scared.

"No. We already knocked. You have to do this, Shirou." I told him and stepped away a little, keeping my distance from him like I promised I would. There was no answer for a minute, and Shirou looked...disappointed. He also looked relieved but...mainly disappointed. Any bit of hope he had left vanished from his eyes, and I violently pounded on the door. I wasn't going to let Kizumi ignore us if I had to stand here all day.

"Let's just leave." Shirou choked, then started to turn around. That was when the handle suddenly turned and the door opened.

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