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Like usual, when I stepped outside of my fourth period class after the bell rang, Kizumi was waiting for me. I felt a little nervous that he would say something about yesterday, but when I approached him, he didn't look like he was making any weird expression. I stared at him for a moment, and he said,

"W-what?" He was annoyed that I was looking at him. It made him nervous, though I could never seem to figure out why it made him feel that way. It was kind of cute. I shook my head as a smile played on my lips. I was glad he didn't seem to care about yesterday. At least, even if he did, he wasn't going to tell me we were done.

"Nothing." I told him and began to walk down the hall in the opposite direction of where we usually went.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"Just come on." I told him. He sighed and hurried to my side. We walked down the hallway in silence together. Though he had seemed normal a few moments ago, I kind of felt the air change just a little bit suddenly. When I looked up at him, he had a curious look on his face. It wasn't exactly a good kind of curious though...it was kind of suspicious looking. I opened my mouth to ask him what was wrong, but he stopped me with his own words.

"Who were you walking with this morning?" He asked. So he saw? How come he didn't come say hello?

"That was Yuji. That's who were going to pick up right now." I told him. He was silent for a moment.

"Do you know him?" He asked.

"We were friends when I was younger...he recently move here, and I promised my Mom I would help him out until he got settled in the school." I explained. "He's really nice." I tried to lighten Kizumi up a little bit, but I could already see his eyebrows furrowing in irritation. He probably wasn't going to shake his hand and pretend to be cool with him...not that I expected him to do that anyways. I mean...It's Kizumi.

As we turned the corner, Yuji caught sight of me and smiled. I smiled back politely. For a second, he held that smile...but as he looked over at Kizumi, his expression dropped into something a little more scared looking. When I looked up at Kizumi, I wasn't surprised to see him glaring just slightly at Yuji. It wasn't the glare that scared him most likely, but just the fact that Kizumi was much taller than him and was glaring a little bit. He probably felt threatened like everyone else.

"Yuji, how were your first classes?" I asked trying to distract him a little bit from Kizumi's stare.

"Oh...uh...they were good. You were right about the one teacher not liking it when people throw things, that's for sure." He laughed nervously.

"Did you throw something?" I faked shock jokingly and he let out a real laugh.

"No, someone else did...they got detention though." He added.

"I told you. She doesn't joke when it comes to that stuff." A smile was still on my face as I realized I had to introduce them. "Oh, right. Yuji, this is Kizumi." I gestured to him and Yuji stared up at him. I could see that he became a little more nervous as he made eye contact, and when I looked at Kizumi I could see why. He had an actual glare on his face now. Not like when we were walking...but a real one. I wasn't sure why, but I wasn't surprised to see it either.

"Kizumi?" I said, trying to get him to say something. He looked down at me, and then away from both of us.

"Yeah." He acknowledged Yuji's existence, and I smiled. Yuji didn't know it, but that was better than him staying silent. At least if he replied in some way, I knew he wasn't going to be horrible to him. Yuji wouldn't understand it, but he didn't really have to. I was sure he'd get used to Kizumi after a while, and vice versa. Yuji looked at me and I let out a cheery exhale.

"Well...Let's go I guess." I began to walk and Kizumi took his usual spot next to me. Yuji walked on the other side of me. There was no way he was going to walk near Kizumi right now. He was obviously scared of him. As we walked, I asked,

"Do you need a school lunch or...?"

"No, I have my own." He pointed to his bag with his thumb and I nodded.

"Great. Then we'll just go right to the tree." I said.

"The tree?" He asked me.

"Yeah, it's where we always sit at lunch." I explained.

"You sit out there every day? It gets cold, doesn't it?" He asked me. I sighed.

"Unfortunately, yes. My friends don't like to switch things up though, so they're kind of dedicated to sitting there year round." I told him. He nodded.

"I see...your friends sound kind of strange." He laughed.

"Speaking of my friends, I just want to warn you. They literally will not leave you alone...I'm not even joking." I glanced at him.

"Don't worry. I don't mind answering questions." He said to me.

"Good, because you'll probably be doing that for next week." I let out another sigh, and he chuckled lightly. He sure seemed to be completely okay with whatever people had to throw at him. He was probably going to get along with my friends great. Kizumi had been silent this whole time, and I looked at him. He was looking straight ahead with little expression. I could see in his eyes that he was bit annoyed, but I didn't take it into too much consideration. Once we sat down and everyone was busy talking to Yuji I would be able to talk to him.

He could always talk to me now, too, but he probably didn't want to if Yuji was there. Maybe he thought Yuji would try and join in the conversation and didn't want to talk to him. I could understand that, despite the fact that it was a little silly of him. He'd lighten up sometimes, anyways. Maybe once we got into English and it was just him and me he'd feel a little better.

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