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I let my wings gently carry me through the clouds, the tips of the feather breaking through the pillow like material. Letting out a sigh, I stopped the steady beat and let my self glide with the wind. Was I ready for a new project? Thoughts raced back to Rachel, and her unfair date with destiny. I felt the unfamiliar emotion of grief bubble up again, so sucking in a deep breath, I tucked my pearl white wings in and let my self fall to the ground. Closing my eyes, memories of Rachel filled my mind. Her sweet laugh, her gentle personality towards others, her giving character, she was such a blessing to humanity, yet for some reason deemed a short life.

Sensing the ground coming near, I opened my eyes and let my wings fill up with the wind, slowing my self down enough to land gently. "Ah, Adeline. How nice of you to bless us with you presence." Gabriel's voice was tinged with annoyance, meaning I was successful in upsetting him with my tardiness.

"Forgive me, Gabriel. I needed some time to myself to think." He only nodded, stretching his shoulders which in turn caused his wings to fluff out as well. His were slightly larger then mine, and tinged almost black. His eyes were almost eh same grey colour, just tinted slightly lighter. His hair was blonde, falling just above his eyebrow and combed neatly to match his high status. 

Why am I'm here right now talking to this special friend? Gabriel belong to a very specific group of 5 Guardians, that's why.

"I hope you had plenty of time to think, because we have your next project ready to go. Let me see here; his name is Jordan Rivers, he is 17, turning 18 next month on September 27th, and he is quoted... 6 more months to live before you get to guide him over. Is this something you can handle?" I could hear the hint of doubt in his voice, and me being who I am, felt like this was a challenge to take on.

"Don't treat me like a child. I will be fine with this one." I attempted to hide the annoyance in my voice, but it still managed to spill through my words.

"Do not give me attitude, Adeline. You got attached to your last project and look what happened." My back tensed at the mention of her. Avoiding his piercing glare, I turned my attention to the interesting ground.

"You will start at day break tomorrow human time. He is located in a small town in British Columbia, Canada. You will attend the same school using the name... Hazel North, you are 17, birthday is March 4, you just moved to the town to stay with your Auntie. Any questions?" I shook my head before turning to leave. "Oh, and Adeline, don't get attached to this one. His fate is carried on a very thin thread. One wrong step and we could be in for a big spill. I will be watching. And your aunt will be hosted by Isabella."

I let out a low groan, hoping that my agony only could be heard from my ears. "Attitude, Adeline." Rolling my eyes, I stretched out my wings before taking off high into the sky again.

Seriously? It just had to be my older sibling Isabella? Not only was she very pesky, but she felt the dying need to be in all my personal business. Letting out a frustrated yell, I pushed hard against the wind and felt myself rocket forward. "I'll prove them this time, I'm the best damn Guardian they have ever seen."


The onto thing about being a celestial that may suck, is trying to sleep with some huge bird wings on your back. Although only our like species can see them, they are still constantly there. If a human is more tuned into the light and the higher energy, they can sometimes sense our wings and possibly touch them, but other wise there is nothing there. They can't see them, feel them, nothing. Just celestials.

Groaning and turning over onto my stomach, my eyes fell onto the clock on the nightstand beside the bed. In bright red numbers, it read 7:30. Which means it's the morning. Which also means, I'm already running late. Panic quickly took over my mind as I flung the blanket off of me, running into the hall to only collide with Bella. "You!" I yelled. "Why didn't you wake me up!?"

Bella shrugged her shoulders, a toothbrush hanging from her mouth as she pushed me aside to walk into the bathroom. Stomping my foot on the ground, I let out a frustrated yell before turning to run towards the other bathroom.

Yanking the door open, while nearly taking it off its hinges, I stood in front of the mirror trying to figure out what to do with this tangled mop of hair on my head. The blonde strands fell beside my face, framing my green eyes and tanned face nicely, my freckles coming out now that I have had a full summer in the sun. My hair ended near the middle of my ribs, and I decided my hair would be best suited in a bun. Quickly and efficiently I tied it up on top of my head before rushing to brush my teeth and get my uniform on. At least I don't have to organize a outfit for today.

Making my way out of the bathroom, I again ran into Bella. "Keep your head up, Adeline." Was all she simply said before pushing me to the side. "Oh, we will be leaving in five minutes." I nodded my head before quickly grabbing my bag and heading towards the kitchen of the house we were staying in.

It wasn't anything fancy, I've for sure have seen better but those houses are for the OF. My older sibling was Isabella, whom is just a Celestial being, and I am just a guardian. I felt Bella's hand rest in my shoulder, "you need to hide your wings. Just summon them back. I can sense more celestial beings in the area." Giving her a silent thanks, I brought my wings in and begin to eat the piece of toast in front of me.

Even though we are spiritual beings, some of us used to be humans before. Like me, I died from a car crash prematurely from my destined fate, so I was given the chance to become a guardian and help others prevent that. Hence why I have more 'normal' features. Bella on the other hand, she is very beautiful. She was born a celestial, so she had very bright blue eyes and nearly white blonde hair and not a imperfection on her. The only problem I have with celestials is there lack of emotion. Bella and the others like her can only feel happy, sad, angry or neutral. No love, jealousy, envy, nothing. That's why they always advance so much faster then us who have been transformed.

Although she can't feel love, I love her like she's my sister. She was the one who guided me into this world and helped me become a guardian. She may be an emotionless know-it-all, but I can tell she feels responsible and caring for me as well. She's the big sister I have never had. Letting out a small sigh, my eyes wondered over to where Bella was standing. Her posture was perfectly straight, her wings still out and a soft glow protruding from them. It was tough having her as a sibling, just with her being a full on celestial and me just a transfer breed. But she never let that effect our relationship and I will be forever grateful towards her for that.

"Lets get going Adeline. I cannot afford to be late for work, and you for school." She turned around and gave me a gentle smile. Nodding my head, I stood up and shoved the last piece of toast into my mouth. "Leths goo."

She grimaced before walking forward and grabbing the car keys from the table.

The drive to school was relatively short, in all honestly we could've walked and been there only ten minutes later. Parking in the teachers lot, I turned to Isabella. "Uh. What are we doing?" She acted neutral as she pulled the key from the ignition and stuck it into her side bag. "I will be a teacher at this school so I can supervise you more closely. Gabriel's orders. It is more convenient as well for our schedules and if you have any questions regarding being a guardian." My mouth hung open at her simple explanations. Gabriel wasn't even here and he was already on my nerves.

Simple nodding my head, I opened the car door and walked out. Taking a deep breath, the familiar school setting game me a sense of comfort. Although I was never in a school long enough to graduate with the class, I found it was still fun to hang out with the different people. Putting a smile on my face, I walked towards the school and began my search for Jordan.

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