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I raced back home and and as soon as I was within sight of Mamma Muds property I noticed Grimm leaning up against the tree with a huge smirk resting on his face. Taking a deep breath with all my efforts not to scream and throw a tantrum, I landed gracefully, fluffed out my feathers and looked at Grimm. "That was not at all fair."

He chuckled and shrugged his shoulders, before nodding his head towards his left. "We got bigger fish to fry. We got visitors. I would keep your tongue in check, Adeline. He looks like he means business this time."

Quickly turning my head in that direction, I noticed a distraught Gabriel flailing his hands everywhere, speaking quickly and in a language I couldn't understand. As well as Micheal standing there, with his hands on his hips, an unimpressed scowl on his face. Panic rose inside of me when I failed to see one person in the field. "Where is Jordan, Grimm?" I merely whispered, hoping that Gabriel hasn't noticed my presence yet.

"Relax, lover boy is with Marian in the cabin. There an enchantment on it to prevent anyone that doesn't know its there from seeing it." I glared at him for using that term to identify Jordan, but he was right. I was concerned about his safety more than anything. "Lets deal with this then." A loud groan escaped my lips as I strode closer towards the two men who seemed to be getting deeper and deeper into their conversation.

"Gabriel. What a surprise. What brings you here?" I snapped at him, not bothering to try to be pleasant and polite.

He sneered at me, his eyes squinting at me disapprovingly. "Adeline. I am still your elder, speak to me with proper manners or do not speak to me at all." I straightened my back and let huge grin form on my face. "Deal! Have fun Micheal." I said, turning on my heel and raising my hand to wave goodbye.  

A deep sigh caught my attention, and turning back around, I noticed how serious Micheal's blue eyes were. His usual carefree expression was solum as he waved me back over again. "Gabriel wants to work out a deal, and its worth hearing, Adeline."

My mouth opened in surprise and I shot a glare at him. I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned to see Grimm, with a unexplainable expression on his face. He lowered his head down to my ear and whispered so only I could hear what he was to say next. "Listen and make it seem like you are interested Adeline. Let him think he has the upper hand. I have been dealing with him for centuries." I looked at him and nodded, then continued to walk back towards the two.

Nodding my head towards Gabriel, I waited for him to start talking. Micheal had a smirk on his face and winked at me as I continued to scowl at him like a child who didnt get what they wanted. Well, when you think about it, Gabriel is here and that is the exact opposite of what I wanted. "Let us take Jordan, and we will stop our pursuit of the human race. I will call off my army of destroying the human race to make room for the celestials."

My jaw nearly hit the floor at his proposal and I had troubles closing it up. "Are you serious? Did those words seriously just come out of your mouth?" My voice became higher with each word and out of the corner of my eye I could see Micheal covering his smile with his fist.

Gabriel glared down at me, his dark wings fluffing out in frustration and his arms crossing across his chest. "You would spare the boy for the entirety of the human race? How selfish of you Adeline." I scoffed and threw my hands up into the air in frustration.

"You seriously think I would believe, that as soon you got your hands on one of the strongest human ever, that you would just, stop, everything? You must really underestimate me, Gabriel. I will save every human that deserves a life on this planet. That is what it means to be a guardian. No more of these useless deaths so you can build your army to take over this dimension. You call me selfish, but you're the one that is so hungry to take over what will never be yours. This was the best project you could ever assign to me, because now I have actually found my calling. I am going to burry you into the ground, Gabriel. Your days of hurting the innocent are over. So you can take your pathetic offer, and expect my own army to meet you when that day comes. Get ready to feel the heat from this flame, because I am going to fight your fire with my own."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2018 ⏰

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