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With the clearing now only occupied with myself, Micheal, Grimm, Jordan and Momma, I sunk back down to my knees to relax my still aching body. Jordan ran over to me quickly, his arms engulfing me with the much needed heat and protection I craved at this moment. Picking me slowly up from the ground, he turned to Madeline. "Do you have anything to numb her?" He asked, his voice serious without any sings of humour. She nodded and quickly motioned for him to carry me back to the house.

He tightened his grip on me, bringing me closer into his chest. Careful not to step on my wings, he walked slowly and with planned out steps as my wings dragged against the ground. I didn't care though, I hardly felt that against the fire still ragging in my veins. Jordan pushed past the door and Momma Mudd was already stood at her counter, a small stone grinding bowl in her hands as she prepared something up inside.

"You can set her down on the table dear." Even though she told him what he could do, his grip didn't alter at all. If anything, he only gripped me tighter. "Do I have to set her down?" She turned her head to look over her shoulder, her eyeglasses low on her nose with her eyes peaking above them. "You will need to hold her tightly then. This will first hurt then only will it start to work its magic." Jordan looked down at me, a sad smiling presented on his face as he settled himself down into the chair by the table.

Holding onto me tightly, Momma walked over with a new creamy like substance in her hands. "This will take away the burning sensation, but it will hurt first my dear. We need to clear the poison out of your blood stream." I grimaced and let my head fall back into the crook of Jordan's neck.

I felt him nod and I shut my eyes tightly waiting for the pain to come. I felt her fingers breeze over the wound on my left arm before applying little bits of pressure at a time. A similar burning sensation started to build, but it was nothing compared to before. I could sleep to how gentle this was compared to the Angel Glass. She dressed each wound before wrapping them up and rubbing my neck with lavender oil to relax me and make me tired. I nodded my head as to say thank you, and turned back to look into Jordan's dark green eyes. I whispered a small thank you, my voice still croaky from screaming only what felt like moments before. He smiled before leaning down to kiss my forehead, his lips lingering longer then what a friendly kiss should. "Maybe I should become a guardian so I can be the one to protect you instead of the other way around." Jordan joked, laughing at his own statement while I only groaned.

"For not wanting to die, you sure talk about it a lot." I grumbled. He laughed, his body shaking almost felt like he was rocking me to sleep and I let my eyes close momentarily and they started to get heavy. "You can't leave me Angel. I need you for more than just a couple of months." I grunted at him, hearing his words but not fully comprehending them. "I want you for a life time." Another grunt, but this time the darkness took over and my conscious welcomed a deep, dreamless sleep.


I could feel my mind starting to come back to me, the darkness around me start to brighten into a dull grey as the light tried to filter its way through my eyelids. Opening my mouth as if I were to speak, I could only let out a squeak and in response lick my dry lips. "Jordan?" I mumbled.

I felt something shift from under me and I let out a small gasp as two arms made there way around my waist. "What? Sorry. I must have also dozed off. What do you need Angel?" Keeping my eyes closed I touched my lips with my finger tips and made the motion as if I was drinking something. "You want a drink? Is water okay?" He questioned.

I slowly moved my head up and down, still feeling like I had to get used to being awake. He maneuvered his way out from under me and I groaned as he placed me gently down onto the couch we were sleeping on before. Curling up into myself, I listened for Jordan. His heavy steps faded as I assumed he walked towards the kitchen. I could hear the faucet turn on and the water start to run into the sink, then the familiar sound of a glass filling up with a liquid. Turning the water off, his steps became louder and closer as he made his way back to me. His hand found its way to the back of my head as he ever so carefully tilted my head forward until my lips met the rim of the glass he was holding. "Take it slow, Angel." He cooed.

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