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After eating dinner, I grabbed Jordan's wrist and dragged him back to my room. Shoving him inside, I closed the door and turned to face him. "You are going to sit down and tell me how you have stayed alive and avoided celestial beings." He chuckled, taking a seat on my bed he patted the spot next to me.

"I'll show you mine if you show me yours." I groaned before dragging my hands down my face. Nodding my head, I sat down beside him.

"Buckle up Angel, this is one hell of a story. Wait, am I allowed to say that?" He looked at me and all I did was glare back at him. "Fine, don't ruffle your feathers too much. Well first of, you know that I'm part angel thanks to the angel that came for my mothers life. My twin, Isaiah, doesn't have any angel blood which I guess lucky him." He paused, looking down at his hands he spoke again. "Do you know the angel Micheal? He's a pure breed celestial like Isabella."

The breath left my lungs when his words processed in my brain. "You mean one of the original five, Micheal? Like Gabriel, Micheal, Grimm, Alexandra, and Elizabeth? Those five are more then just pure bloods. Those are the ones who started all of this. Who started the guardian project. Gabriel and Micheal were the leaders, before Micheal disappeared. Grimm helps transfer souls to there new destination. Alexandra and Elizabeth are the warriors who protect the human race against guardians gone rouge. Those five are incredibly powerful, Jordan. You have no idea what kind of blood you have running through you."

The completely uninterested look on his face threw me off as I waited for the weight of this situation to sink in. "Is your skull to thick to understand? You have amazing power hidden inside of you."

Jordan sighed and crossed his arms behind his head as he leaned back onto the headboard. "I've been told all of this. The original five blah blah. I get it. Now can I continue my story or not?"

I scoffed and crossed my arms, giving him the cold shoulder I gave a slight nodded letting him know he can carry on.

Taking a deep breath, he continued. "Obviously when I was a baby, I didn't understand anything he would've tried to tell me. So when I was around seven years old, he showed up again. By this time I was used to seeing people with huge white wings and almost a blinding aura surrounding them. But this guy was different. The pull towards him was incredible. That day I skipped my classes at school and he took care of me and spent the time to explain who I was now. He explained that since I had the original fives blood in me, I could command anyone below me. Which includes your sister and any other celestial being." His words shook me down to the core. I didn't realize that this human hybrid had this much power coursing through his veins.

"So then why was I sent to you?" I questioned.

His chuckle was low and sounded far away but I didn't miss the pain that flashed through his eyes. "Your last project, Rachel. Did she deserve to die?"

My breath caught in my throat and my mind went crazy with memories of the time I spent with her. Never once did she mention knowing Jordan or his family. "No one deserves to die." I simply answered.

His laugh was dark and cold and his usually cheerful eyes were empty. "Especially not her. Does your kind even take the chance to meet who they are taking away? Who they are taking away from there families, friends, loved ones?"

I began putting two and two together as Jordans emotions started to get the best of him. "You and Rachel..."

"She was like me. She shared the same blood as me. We both had Michael's blood. She was my sister and you took her away just because of the blood running through her veins and now you're here for me too. Does that answer your question as to why they sent you to me?" His voice was sharp and cut through me like I was nothing.

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