Chapter Two *Edited

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 © Amber Kalkes 2014

 *Song Of The Chapter: "Vagabond" By Wolfmother


 Chapter Two: Town’s People Aren’t My People…Unless They're Cute.

After my shower, which was amazing, I got dressed. Jeans, lace trimmed white camisole, a thin black sweater and my black and white flip-flops. My hair, a monster that probably deserved it’s own name, was piled in my head in a messy bun. I grabbed my purse and noticed my hands were shaking. Pathetic, I know. I mean who gets this much anxiety over a shopping trip into town? Obviously me.

People in the town of Longmire were normal tax paying folk. That was probably why they didn’t like me that much. I was by no means normal by their standards and part of me could not have given a shit. The other half, as I explained before, craved acknowledgment from them, even if they were narrow-minded shit factories. That day I decided to go with the former and not give a damn. By the way, yes, I know I curse like a sailor. Don’t blame me my grandmother was five times worse.

So, after leaving my house, which I didn’t bother to lock, I went for the driver’s side door of my beat up old ford truck. She was older than me by a decade but she still had life in her. She never didn’t start in the winter and only broke down in convenient areas. Of that I was thankful for my beautiful truck, Penny.

I climbed in and started her up. She wheezed in protest but then roared to life. I smiled and turned the radio up to hear “Billie Jean” by Michael Jackson blasting from my speakers. I did my dumb car dancing like an idiot all the way to town while screeching the lyrics like a banshee. Finally, after about five minutes the song was done and the commercial kicked in as I rode into town. It was still pretty early in the morning at ten A.M. Okay, maybe it was just early for me.

Parking outside by Annie’s flower shop I knew this would be my last stop of the day. I didn’t bother locking my car doors either. With the house it would have been stupid. Hell, I did have the best security system ever! Hungry wolves were like a fat kid to the chocolate that would be the robber or whatever. The car was really more of a careless deal. Believe me if you saw Penny your last thought would be to steal her. Yes, she really is that bad.

My flip-flops clicked against the concrete sidewalk as I made my way to my first stop, the grocery store. Unluckily for me, I was a shit cook. So I made my way directly to the soups and noodles aisle with a basket in my hand. I pushed as much ramen noodle packets into my basket as I could fit. I got slightly distracted by my need to play it like Tetris so I could fit more in. Of course that was cut short by the sound of male chuckling coming from further down the aisle. As they're voices came closer I looked over my shoulder to see four guys looking at me and laughing.

Okay, I had to admit. I did look like a loser sitting in the middle of an aisle arranging then rearranging my ramen into the basket for optimum workable space. Yes, I admitted that but still…. talk about rude! What if I had a mental problem! Well that’s debatable. Anyway, it was still rude.

“Hey, sweetheart?” A male voice called.

Peeking over my shoulder again I see a burly dark haired guy looking at me with a mocking smile and glinting brown eyes. Two good-looking blondes joined him. One had brown eyes and looked more kind. The other had blue eyes which were cutting with the disgust in them. The fourth guy was another brunette but his eyes were blue too. He actually wasn't look at me at all, more interested at something down the aisle I couldn't make out.

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