Chapter Twenty-One *Edited

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© Amber Kalkes 2014

*Song Of The Chapter: "The Wolf" By Fever Ray

Picture of Sylvie-----}

Chapter Twenty-One: Hello, I’m Ordering One Mate, To Go!

Alek took three long strides, his whole body shaking in rage, as his wolf, which I could see clear in his eyes, seemed to be struggling not to break out. I could feel Jack still behind me and I knew he was going be of zero use to me now. We were in front of his Alpha and he was still part of this pack.

Well shit.

Alek’s hand was wrapped around my neck snuggly before he flung me across the forest before I collided with a tree. I used the last of my energy to create a shield around myself to take the impact but landing still hurt like a bitch. In fact, it knocked the wind out of me leaving me wheezing on the forest floor. My hair had fallen out of its tie and was falling around me like a shield as I tried to collect myself.

I listened and heard him hiss shaking out his hand. Like it was burned or something, I observed curiously. Pushing that aside I closed my eyes forcing myself to think. Not a favorite past time of mine but something proving necessary at the moment.

Alphas loved weakness in others. It was one of the few things my mom had taught me about, the nature of wolves. Exposing your neck was a sign of submission, so I wouldn’t be doing that. Even if it was a ploy I wasn’t going to get rid of my pride for that, hell no. They hated, especially Alphas hated being looked in the eyes. It was a direct challenge to their authority and if you did they needed you to look away first. Again, that would not be happening.

Okay, think Sylvie. Think of something that will distract him enough to get to Seth.

Usually, I would come off with some ridiculous comment to get people to laugh or to make them think I was too weird to socialize with. This, I realized was not going to work in this live or die situation, sadly. So I had to rely on my usually unreliable brain.

Again, shit.

Taunt him.


Yeah, because that’s a smart move, I replied sarcastically.

I could feel my brain roll its eyes at me. Wait! Was that even a thing? Did I finally crack under the pressure of all this insanity? Oh my god I was now insane, officially insane in the mainframe.

Oh shut up! My brain snapped. Your not crazy…well not more then normal. Now taunt him. Remember that he can’t touch you in harm without repercussion. The longer he touches you the more he will feel the pain. Now focus and get that hot piece of ass back!


Uh, who would of thought I was so smart?

“Marcum, you have infringed on your station, seduced one of my pack members, was marked without my permission or blessing, and have instigated a siege on my pack land and my pack. You have killed some of my pack members without provocation and for that you will be severely punished.”

“Punished?” I laughed harshly getting to my knees.

Alek growled. “Yes, punished. You will be put to death along with your mate, Beta Seth West.”

“That is one hell of a punishment.” I sighed pushing my hair off my face. God, I needed a haircut. “Tell me, did you think of that all by yourself?”

The sneer fell off his face as a snarl replaced it. Oh wasn’t he just a looker when he was mad. Yeah, not. His face was doing this weird half shifting thing. His fangs were out and his eyes were changing shape into a more wolf-like shape. His hands were now claws and I saw golden fur shimmer across his bare chest before disappearing again. He was hanging on by a thread before he shifted and attacked and I wasn’t sure if I would make it out in time if that happened.

“Bit your tongue, Human.” He snarled and it was not his human voice. Nope this had a duel quality to it. More feral and deep then his normal voice I had been verbally combating with until now. “You do not know to whom you speak.”

Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!

How was I going to get out of this and keep my throat where I liked it?

Taunt him.

Okay, maybe I wasn’t so smart. I bit my lip so hard it bled and I could taste that metallic rust on my tongue. I chided myself for not saving more energy but to be fair this had all been kind of…sudden. Meeting Seth, him being a werewolf, him marking me, hiding a lot of murders, oh and falling in love with said, murdering werewolf hottie who marked me. Yeah, and this was in like a two and a half week time frame. Was this even mentally healthy?

Nope, but we love it.

That we do.

Now that’s all settled…FOCUS!         


Shit, right, I was in a stand down with a guy three times bigger than me with a wolf begging to come out and rip my head off. That was definitely worth focusing on. I looked at Alek who was himself distracted by the inner battle with his wolf. I looked behind him and felt my body froze when I saw two men dragging out a man. He was weak, his feet were dragging across the forest floor and his head was bowed low. It was when I heard the small growl from my left that I saw Jack was still in the forest and he obviously saw something I simply wasn’t getting.

Alek turned to see what we were all transfixed by and then looked at me with a pleased smirk on his face. His golden eyes had a gleam that told me this was not good. Not good at all.

“What? Don’t you recognize your mate?” Alek cooed with a fake little frown.

I inhaled sharply at the implication. I looked over at the man and Alek made a gesture with his hand causing the men to yank up the man’s head. My eyes watered as I looked at Seth’s face. It was bruised, cut and caked in dry blood. His bare chest was clawed to hell and back, I noticed making me bit back a sob. I saw the silver chains glistening in the barely there sun rays and could see his wrists and neck were blistering and obviously raw from the irritation. Seth’s eyes were trained back on me and I could see the sparkle of love in his emerald eyes as he scanned me for any injuries. When they stopped on the area I had been clawed his lips thinned and his eyes narrowed.

Oh really? He was all pissed off about my injuries but there he was looking like Freddy Krueger’s plaything? Me? I was fucking livid. They had hurt him and now I was completely and totally going to kill Alek.

As I focused my eyes on Alek’s malicious golden eyes I ran my tongue over my teeth.

This fucker was going down…hard.

And it was not going to be pretty. Not by a long shot. 

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