Chapter Fourteen *Edited

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  © Amber Kalkes 2014 

*Song Of The Chapter: "Got It Bad" By Z Z Ward.


Chapter Fourteen: Discovery

My head was pounding like a tribal drum. Newman, the annoying beast, was hollering so loud I couldn’t escape it. He was of course chained with Silver chains, which of course I had to put on him, since Seth was kind of incapable. Of all the myths I was surprised that Silver was one of the few real ones.

I mean really? A simple metal allergy was all it took to take down a wolf boy?

After a bit I decided it was better to just hike it up the top level. It was a glass observatory kind of. A long time ago it had been a green house but since grandma had passed it just turned into my thinking spot. It didn’t help that when it came to plants I had the Midas touch of death.

Newman’s screaming was less noticeable up there. To drown out the rest of it I put on some Ramones on the sound system I had up there. For a little while I could forget that I had a giant pissed off were-man in my basement.

I’m sure your curious as to where Seth is. Well, Seth was off taking care of David and Bryce’s mutilated bodies. He said he was going to be out for an hour and then he’d be back. So that was how I got stuck with the hound dog crying all the time downstairs and me drowning him out upstairs. I didn’t really know exactly where he was going but I didn’t care to ask either.

I trust him.

Whoa. Where did that come from?

I trusted Seth? When did that happen?

I don’t know when but it was there and it felt…right. Like this was how I should have felt since the beginning. Like another missing puzzle piece was put into place. And that felt really, really, good.

A goofy kind of smile spread across my face. Did this mean I loved him? If not I was getting there. He was handsome, kind, strong, protective, and loving. He laughed at my crappy jokes and thought my car dancing was cute. He thought I was beautiful. He called me pet names and whenever he was with me everything felt like…magic.

Pun not intended.

Oh yeah I should probably clarify the whole “I’m a witch deal”. So here it goes, I am a witch. My mom and grandmother were as well but we’re not very powerful. My ancestor, the one who started the deal with the wolves was, at least that’s how the story goes.

A pack of dying wolves, which turned out to be werewolves now, came onto her land. She felt compelled to help them and keep them safe so she enchanted the land so no other wolves not belonging to the pack were allowed past without permission. It kept the wolves safe and in return they protected all the woman of her line.

Which was fine until grandma was attacked by one of them when she was a young woman. Fearing their intelligence and their feral instincts she bound our blood to theirs making it impossible for them to harm us. This was why I wasn’t afraid of that dickhead Alpha, Alek. He couldn’t harm me. As a member of the pack he was not physically able to harm anyone from my line.

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