Epilogue *Edited

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© Amber Kalkes 2014

Song Of The Chapter: "We're Far Enough From Heaven Now We Can Freak Out" By Deep Cotton

Epilogue: First Date.

*The Day After The Big Showdown*

Seth sat across the table from me looking as perfect as ever. His wounds had healed overnight like the lucky wolf boy he was while I was stuck on human healing time. My arm still ached but it was scabbing over a bit causing me to fight the undeniable urge I had to pick at it. Seth was quick with a swatting hand if I so much as lifted my hand in an itching motion. He was lucky I loved him; as much as I did otherwise I would have bit his hand instead of simply attempting to.

Seth looked as delicious as ever in his dark green t-shirt, highlighting his eyes, dark wash jeans, and a pair of black boots. I, on the other hand, was in dressed in a strapless navy blue summer dress with my regular black converse and my copper mess of curls in a messy bun with a few pieces loose but my bangs off my face, for once. My male companion seemed to love this dress because as soon as he saw me in it he pinned me against a wall made out with me for a half hour.

Not that I was complaining.

“Hello, my name is Brittney, how can I serve you today?”

I looked up to see the same peppy blonde waitress from last time but this time she was eyeing the wrong man. Her tone was husky and she was batting her mascara-incrusted eyelashes at him like he’d get caught in her web. Her pretty blue eyes were begging to be plucked out if she didn’t stop looking at him like that…like in five seconds. She looked at me finally and gave me a once over before recognition came into her features.

“Oh it’s you again, what happened to the blonde guy you were with last time? What was his name? Ethan?” she said with fake enthusiasm in her tone.

I mirrored her tone. “Yup, Ethan. He left town.”

“Wow, do you know why?”

I made my expression turn thoughtful. “Maybe it was all those herpes I gave him.”

Seth choked on his iced tea laughing while Brittney flinched back in disgust. Her lip glossed lips curled up and she turned her head away from me as I smiled pleasantly back at her. Shaking her head and wording the word ‘slut’ quietly she pulled out her notepad and looked over Seth all wonderstruck again.

“What can I get you, Sir?”

Seth was still recovering from his outburst so he just pointed at the breakfast platter while still coughing a little. I guess ice tea down the wrong tube can probably burn a bit, I thought absently. When Brittney’s bitchy gaze turned to me her voice was way less enthused.

“And you?”

I shrugged and closed the menu, “How about a burger and fries.”

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